Blocktix Dev Update June

Published in
4 min readJun 30, 2018

Welcome to the Blocktix Development Update for June 2018. After one year of development and hard work, we have some very exciting news to share with you. Not only is Neverland Festival only two weeks from today, we are also ready for another big milestone.

Social Media

As always, we invite everyone to keep up to date on our progress and to join the Blocktix conversation on our social media channels:

If you are not connected yet, we invite you to join our Discord server to explore the features of Blocktix, ask questions or just have a chat with other supporters.

Neverland Festival

A render of our upcoming Techno mine

First and foremost, our first-ever event is closing in rapidly. With a mere two weeks to go, it’s looking like the first edition of the Neverland Festival will be one for the books. With acclaimed artists like Above & Beyond, Steve Aoki, W&W and many, many more it will be quite the party.As mentioned before, we will be ticketing the festival’s guest list for the initial Blocktix test pilot.

The Billing Poster for the first edition of Neverland Festival

Check out the for more information, and come by!

The Mainnet Release

It’s official! Blocktix is officially live on the Ethereum mainnet. From this day on, event organizers and artists can use the Blocktix platform to sell their tickets through our fully-decentralized platform.

We have worked very hard on this over the past months and we’re very excited to have everything live on the mainnet. Organizers can now set their events through and people with the official Blocktix Mobile app can now buy tickets through our system.

App Store Release

With the mainnet release also comes the official release of our mobile apps. The Android version will be available shortly at the Playstore. Our iOS app has been submitted and is currently awaiting review by the Apple App Store team.

Changes in Promo TIX

With the way our app works, we have change some details regarding the Promo TIX program as mentioned in earlier updates. We will pay-out all current holders of Promo TIX their TIX equivalent.

Instead of getting the Promo TIX when a ticket is first purchased, we will move to a system where the promotion amount is given out when the first ticket is used on the system. The following giveaway details remain the same:

We will be giving out the one million promotion TIX in the following fashion:

First 50.000 First Use of Ticket will get 5 TIX tokens*
Next 100.000 First Use of Ticket will get 3 TIX tokens
Next 100.000 First Use of Ticket will get 2 TIX tokens
And the remainder will get 1 TIX token.

The TIX reward program is a method of incentivising the installations of the Blocktix mobile applications. Our goal with our mobile apps is to get a large install base so we can market this network to independent event promoters around the world. In addition to marketing Blocktix through influencers in the scene we are also planning to give away a total of one million TIX tokens to new users of the mobile app.

* Excluding the TIX currently paid out via the previous rules.

Development of Blocktix

Most of the work over the past month has been preparing and testing our recent Mainnet release, but we have added several other new features in the version released to the app stores.

As we finished the local-wallet features, we added the display of the private key and mnemonic during wallet creation. This lets everyone back-up their Blocktix App wallet.

Next to that, the Ethereum public wallet key is now displayed-in-full and is copyable from the app. Also, in an effort to inform ticket buyers further, more information is now shown on the ticket checkout screen during purchase.

We have now finished a huge milestone in our development process with our recent mainnet release. With our upcoming pilot at Neverland, we’ll be closely monitoring how everything works in a real environment. In our next updates, we’ll continue building-out the system as planned and taking further steps in our development process.

In Conclusion

As you can read, busy times at the Blocktix & Neverland offices. With our Mainnet Launch we are ready for the next development phase. Firstly however we will be concentrating fully on Neverland and the pilot in the coming two weeks. We hope to see you guys at Neverland Festival!

