Atlas Founder Wu Zan goes in depth on their approach to Tokenized Travel

Dragoş Ștefănescu
Published in
1 min readMay 3, 2019

In this Deep Dive, Atlas Founder Wu Zan chats with BlockVera’s BlockchainBrad about his vision for leveraging blockchain to bringer fairer and more efficient distribution of value to the travel industry.

The Atlas Network will connect all travelers, content creators and travel businesses to a distributed smart network for data, content and transactions. It provides a robust smart contract based travel ecosystem that incentivizes content creation and data sharing and ensures cooperative relationships and fair value distribution between service providers across the entire travel value chain.

What will it take to bridge the gap between the centralized status quo of the present and a future tokenized economy in which every stakeholder can benefit?

Tencent, Matrix Partners, NGC & many other major backers no doubt agree that there is a real future in tokenized travel! Time to explore!

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