Announcing the fully-remote BlockVigil Developer Bootcamp

Anomit Ghosh
Published in
3 min readMar 24, 2020

Find the application form for this program over here. (now open for 2nd cohort)

We at BlockVigil were about to launch a mentoring program on-premise in Bangalore to assist in upskilling of students, fresh graduates and entry-level developers and transform into valuable assets for organizations in need of engineers who can execute cleanly.

…and CoViD-19 hit the world

In light of the recent developments that have affected the economy and markets as a whole, we understand this is a time of uncertainties for such individuals.

This time presents us with a unique opportunity to execute the same plan remotely and reach out to a wider audience who will truly benefit from the program and they don’t even need to be present in the city of Bangalore.

We have decided to waive off all costs associated with educational material and training efforts for those who need this the most after a review of their applications.

Read on for further information and instructions to apply to this program.

Brief summary

  • These sessions will be held 3 days per week. 90–120 minutes per day.
  • The program begins from April 1. Next one starts in May.
  • The program will be executed in limited sized cohorts who will be grouped together after an initial evaluation regarding their current skill sets.
  • It will be structured by progression in complexity of the concepts being implemented.
  • It will primarily be application oriented and ensure you get comfortable with a fast, iterative approach to building projects. An absolutely critical skill at present.
  • Content, reading material, theoretical foundation will be provided as preparatory material to be mandatorily covered before joining each session.

Key takeaways

⦿ Learn about microservice based architecture that power most web applications

  • enables you to work on Fullstack projects that require multiple services to coordinate together
  • initiation in the practical fundamentals of Distributed Systems.
  • these services will go live on an Ethereum test network

⦿ Learn to work with APIs

  • consume EthVigil APIs to run the business logic on blockchain (see above point)
  • create your own API endpoints to be consumed by other services, like a dynamic and interactive frontend in Javascript
  • integrate with other third party API platforms to enhance features.

⦿ Learn to build automated workflows with the above knowledge and get a practical knowledge of software composability.

⦿ A certificate of completion at the end of the bootcamp with verifiable proofs of your code activity on blockchain.

⦿ Most importantly, unleash your creativity and collaborate with developers all over the world on open source projects. Get noticed by potential recruiters for your development prowess.

Every session will be available as a recording for you to revisit later and refer back in case of doubts or further study.

Requirements from participants

  • Follow the preparatory guidelines and assignments before attending each session. There is no replacement for a solid theoretical understanding of the building blocks of any technology.
  • Have a decent working internet connection that you can stream or play the sessions on.
  • Ensure you have the right development tools and platforms installed. We will of course assist you with this part.
  • Complete the necessary evaluations like tests, quizzes and anything else that might be required to progress.
  • Be curious, willing to take things apart and question.

BlockVigil reserves all rights to request a participant to discontinue their participation in the program if the above conditions are not satisfactorily complied with.

Fill up the application form here (now open for 2nd cohort)

