Launching BlockVigil Tutorials for Ethereum

Anomit Ghosh
Published in
2 min readJan 18, 2020

We at BlockVigil are absolutely stoked to announce the launch of a real-time, interactive tutorial application built on top of our own Ethereum API gateway(EthVigil) using Sapper and Svelte. As you follow along the tutorial, you get progressively introduced to increasingly complex development techniques and paradigms of development on Ethereum.

Go ahead, give it a spin on . Feel free to break the app 😉

The tutorial application itself is a showcase of dog-fooding our own API gateway and harnesses its major features like

  • pre-emptive transaction checks for failures
  • automatically calculated transaction costs and fees (Gas units and gas fees for Ethereum)
  • Real time integrations over websockets for monitoring a contract for transactions, new contract deployments, and other chain event data.

We fully intend to open source the framework behind this app once we collect workable feedback and critiques from the developer community.

The pain points and myths associated with developing a serious, end-to-end application for blockchain has been covered in detail in some of our past articles and talks that we have presented in conferences:

You can go through them to form a clear map of the problems we solve for blockchain development.

In short it can be summarized as:

Blockchain development can be hard when there are moving parts in your application that are statefully dependent. As you duct tape protocol monitoring and confirmation logic into your application logic, soon enough the meta-code to maintain the dependency graph between these moving parts balloons out of maintainable proportions. EthVigil presents this guarantee of state maintenance and synchronization. So the application interacts with the API gateway as if it were a reliable, centralized web service. Blockchain primitives and smart contract operations are presented as RESTful interfaces and HTTP API endpoints.

