Media highlight of past week (Week #37)

And what it means

Lev Bass
3 min readSep 26, 2018


A 36 MegaWatt Bitcoin Mining Farm to be built in Morocco. With the current ASIC efficiency of 93J/TH (Joules per TerraHash), their added load to bitcoin network would be about 193,000 TH which is roughly 0.3% of the whole networks hash rate. That is good for decentralization, but not a strong business model with a current bear market.

The Bitfury Group has announced it’s new generation of mining hardware. Bitfury is riding a high wave with their new 14nm Bitfury Clarke ASICs. As reported they can execute up to 120 gigahashes per second (GH/s) and a power efficiency rate as low as 55 millijoules per gigahash (mJ/GH). Which is 40% more efficient than current solutions.

US SEC still can’t come to a solid conclusion about Bitcoin ETFs and asks for further comments. The main problem with the ETFs is that there is not enough regulatory base for that kind of security and SEC wants to be triple sure that investors and public interest are protected.

Cryptocurrency Mining Malware Detections have risen 500% compared to 2017 as reported by Cyber Threat Alliance The illicit mining is playing a role of “canary in the coal mine” for cybersecurity threats and should be considered as a strategic threat to any system. Because if cryptocurrency mining is taking place on your network, more sophisticated actors could use — or may already be using — that same access to your network.

image by CTA

Europol has found that despite pseudonymity Bitcoin is still the first choice of cybercriminals. In their report, Europol predicts the rise of privacy-focused altcoins such as Zcash and Monero as traditional mixers and tumbler lose their popularity, closes or become obsolete. Apparently, with cryptocurrencies still on the rise in the criminal world, there is a need in strong opposing and highly professional force to fight those illicit activities.

German Frankfurt School of Finance & Management to issue Blockchain Based Course Certificates. FS is going to use a dApp developed by Concencys based on self-sovereign identities that in the end will make credentials physically portable for the students.

Blockchain-based DigitalIDs will come to EU through the partnership of R3 Consortium and Dutch digital security company Gemalto. The integration of Trust ID Network will reportedly allow users to control their data through a mobile app dubbed ID Wallet, where they can enter, certify, and share their personal information with specific service providers

Crypto Valley Venture Capital has launched a blockchain start-up factory that aims to collect up to $100 million with the long-term goal of getting 1,000 blockchain companies off the ground internationally

