blockwhat? but why?

Till Antonio Mahler
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2018

Born out of the desire to properly understand the vast and sometimes cryptic lands of distributed ledger technologies, especially the mystic swamps of so called blockchain technology, I’ve had the pleasure to indulge myself during the last two years into a sea of fascinating blog posts, intriguing books, captivating videos and mesmerizing conversations with real human beings face to face…

The culmination of these efforts found itself in the termination of my bachelor thesis, which has the lovely name “Tokenization on the blockchain — exemplified by’s blockchain initiative”. In my quest to thoroughly understand and apply the mechanisms and paradigms I’ve stumbled upon, I’ve ended up creating a small beast of roughly 17.000 words.

During the four months of writing my thesis I’ve been on a roller coaster of emotions, ranging from highly motivated curiosity to deeply frustrated times, but all in all it has been a thoroughly rewarding and enticing ride!

Since I’ve learned so many interesting and alluring things myself, I thought that I might just share them with whomever may be interested in deepening hers or his understanding of this complex and captivating field.

I’ll therefore guide you, the interested reader, through my thought process and share the fascinating things I’ve come to learn. Since this not so nascent field starts to play a bigger and more influential role from day to day, it is of utmost importance to properly understand its foundations. A fact-based and nuanced discussion is needed to ensure a fruitful discussion and debate about the future of this revolutionary technology.

As a wise man put it a couple thousands years ago:

If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be no arbitrariness in what is said. This matters above everything.

— Confucius

We will start with a thorough look at the time before blockchain technology saw the light of day, getting to know some of the most important people and their work, which laid the foundation for what eventually culminated in Satoshi Nakamoto’s whitepaper.

After the historical breakdown, we will dive into the technological foundations of the two blockchains that were and are fundamental to the brave new world of this technology — Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Once we have established the most important inner technological workings of these two behemoths, we will take a look at the impressive world of tokenization.

Where we head to afterwards is yet to be determined, but the fast paced and ever evolving DLT and blockchain space provides a broad range of super duper interesting topics, so we will just take it from there!

You will find new posts that explore the decentralized world posted in this publication:

Here is the outlook for the short therm future, I´ll make sure to link to the articles once they have been published:

  1. 3000 BC | Hiking Up Mount Blockchain
  2. 82 | The Birth Of Digital Cash
  3. ’96 | Oncologist + Gold = Revolution?
  4. ’97 | Anybody interested in some hash(cash)?
  5. ’98 | Wei Dai — Who dat?
  6. ’98 | Make It Rain (Bit) Gold!
  7. ’03 | It’s Karma
  8. ’04 | Use me baby, one more time
  9. ’08 | Bit what? Bitcoin! — Hello world.
  10. ’13 | Ethereum — The World Computer

(If you’re curious to explore more blockchain aspects, including the technology behind it, fascinating use cases and great resources to learn more about this mind boggling new paradigm, click right here.)

If you have any questions, remarks, comments or simply want to say hi and give me a high five, please feel free to do so and let me be the humble recipient of your attention. Without further ado I have the pleasure of inviting you to join me on this amazing journey into the holy and sacred lands of blockchain.

Yours truly


PS: if you’re looking for helpful and great resources to learn more about blockchain’s paradigm shifting technological potential, check out these awesome resources.



Till Antonio Mahler

Technology enthusiast from Berlin. Lover of random yet mesmerizing knowledge. Curious about all aspects of life.