BlockX Atlantis User Staking — Earn rewards from the next generation Layer 1 Chain Final Testnet

Manindra Majumdar
BlockX Chain
Published in
6 min readAug 23, 2023

Atlantis Network (2nd Incentivized testnet of BlockX) is a Delegated Proof of Stake which means that staked tokens are being delegated to the chain validators. The validators are the miners of the network and they are the ones who are responsible for generating the blocks of the network as well as proposing and voting for chain improvements. Validators also earn from the Atlantis network inflation as their reward for maintaining the chain but of course, it comes with a cost as they also have to run server/s to become a validator. For those who hold BCX tokens and would like to participate in earning from inflation but don't have the server to be a validator, they can rather Delegate their tokens to a validator. It's like you’re assigning your token holdings to a certain validator of your choice but don't worry they don't have control of your tokens so they won't be able to get away with it. Each validators charge a certain fee that can be counted as their commission for providing their service and you can see this in the Ping Explorer:

Staking & Delegating BCX tokens

Here are the summary of the steps for staking and delegating on BlockX Atlantis Chain:

  1. All BCX and BXVX buyers get an airdrop of BCX Testnet tokens on BlockX Atlantis#2 .
  2. Access Atlantis Testnet and BCX tokens on Metamask or other EVM Wallets. If you cannot see it, find the instructions to add the Atlantis network and view the tokens here on Metamask
  3. Add Atlantis to Keplr Wallet which is a common wallet for Cosmos ecosystems and used for staking. We are testing staking with Metamask also in the near future. Instructions are here for Keplr
  4. Send BCX testnet tokens from your Metamask to Keplr. Instructions here
  5. Then follow the delegation process in

Staking process in Details

To delegate or stake your tokens, you need to have your BCX tokens in your Keplr wallet. To add Atlantis Network to your Keplr wallet, please follow the instructions on this link:

You might also need to follow this for the instructions on how to transfer from your Metamask going to Keplr wallet:

Once you already have your BCX tokens in your Keplr wallet, you need to connect your Keplr wallet to the Ping Explorer in order for you to be able to interact with the site and sign the transaction using your Keplr wallet. Go to then click on the Next button (make sure that Keplr is selected).

After you click on Next button, it will prompt you to enter an account name. Type in whatever name you want to call your wallet then click Next button

It will show you your address for confirmation, just click Save

Go to for you to be able to see the list of validators that you will choose from. One way to know that your Keplr wallet is connected to the site is by checking the upper right corner of the page, it will show your account name that you entered earlier.

One thing to notice in the list is their commission rate, this serves as their fee in providing the service so commission rate will be deducted from your potential earnings. Some users might choose the one that charges the lowest commission while others might prefer the trusted ones because if the validator you chose is mostly down then the earnings will also be less.

Click on the Delegate button of your chosen Validator. It will open a dialog box for you to enter the amount of tokens you would like Delegate or Stake then click on the Send button.

There will be a confirmation from Keplr for you to Approve before the delegation goes through

After you click on the Approve button, you will receive a notification like this stating that the delegation is successful.

To check the status of your Delegation as well as your earnings, go to the home page of the or click on the Dashboard. On this page, you’ll see your rewards from a certain validator. It is also a way for you to claim or withdraw your rewards by clicking on the Withdraw Rewards button.

If you want to Unstake all your tokens just click on the very last icon called Unbond. There is an Unbonding time of 7 days so your unstaked tokens will only go back to your available balance after 7 days and it will be shown as Unbonding balance.

You can also open your Keplr wallet then go to Staked tab. It will show your Staking Rewards if there’s any.

Thanks to all users for staking BCX. This will give you a preview of the rewards and also help us in the testing process. There will be incentives and rewards soon announced for user testing as well

Happy Staking!

BlockX Ventures is launching a Layer 1 Chain (BCX Token) and several ecosystem projects.

BlockX Atlantis Chain is a new public Layer 1 delegated proof of stake (DPOS) chain for cross chain dapps thats is compatible with both EMV and Cosmos systems with instant transactions and up to 10,000 transactions for $1 for high velocity real world dapps. BCX is the token for gas fees and block rewards in BlockX. Deploy your apps on BlockX for a multi chain experience for your users and get 20% staking rewards from chain reserved for developers. Stake BCX tokens or run a validator node for validator rewards.

In addition to the Main Layer 1 Chain, BlockX Ventures is incubating and building projects on top of the main chain including a layer 2 GPU Chain called GPT Core for a decentralized GPU network for processing LLM and AI workloads on chain which use BlockX Chain for transactions and GPT Core for processing.

BXVX is the ecosystem and airdrop token of BlockX Ventures. BXVX holders get stake in each of BlockX Ventures projects — BlockX/Atlantis Chain, GPT Core GPU Network, Metaverse0X, GameHub, Social Media, and XR platform tokens.

BXVX tokens can be purchased at

