Join the Atlantis Incentivized Testnet#2 and Invest in the BlockX Ecosystem Fund for a Thriving Web3.0 Future

Manindra Majumdar
BlockX Chain
Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2023
Atlantis Network

BlockX is on a mission to create the most interoperable network of networks, supporting various EVM and Cosmos chains while ensuring lightning-fast transactions and the lowest gas fees for Web3 app development. We’re not just building a network; we’re fostering an ecosystem where users, developers, and validators can grow together and reap the rewards of network expansion.

Results of Incentivized Testnet#1

The completion of BlockX Incentivized Network#1 was a significant milestone for us. We successfully executed all transactions flawlessly, but upon reflection, we realized that there is still more work to be done.

Although our initial plan was to launch the MainNet immediately, we identified a few areas that require further attention:

1. Lack of user testing tasks in incentivized networks:
We want to involve users more extensively in testing tasks related to staking, delegating, bridging, and using apps. It is crucial to gather feedback and insights from a diverse range of participants, beyond validators and developers alone.

2. Unchangeable variables of inflation and other parameters:
Through governance, we aim to make the BlockX network adaptable to changing market conditions. We discovered that certain variables and parameters were not adjustable, and we want to rectify this to ensure flexibility and stability.

3. Dependency on BlockX’s central infrastructure:

While we value our robust infrastructure, we want to enhance the decentralization of the network by reducing the reliance on servers operated solely by BlockX. A more distributed network will ensure greater resilience and security.

To address these areas of improvement, we are excited to announce the launch of our second and, hopefully, final Incentivized Testnet #2: Atlantis Testnet.

Atlantis Testnet is scheduled to go live in July (exact date to be determined) and will run until August 31. Assuming all operations run smoothly, we plan to transition to the MainNet in September.

Atlantis Incentivized Testsnet#2

To encourage active user participation on the Atlantis Network, we have organized the following activities:

Users Testing — BCX and BXVX Investors

If you currently hold or invested in BCX tokens or BXVX tokens, you will receive an equivalent amount of testnet BCX tokens as an airdrop on the Polygon Testnet when Atlantis goes live. This allows you to seamlessly transition and experience the features of the testnet. Note that the testnet balances will not move over to the mainnet but we will analyse the transactions per wallet address as a basis of reward distribution.

Bridging tokens
We have established a Bridge that enables you to transfer tokens from the Polygon Mumbai Testnet to BlockX Atlantis. This functionality will allow us to test the efficiency and reliability of the bridging mechanism.

Staking and Delegating on Testnet
Once your tokens are bridged, you can dive into various activities, such as staking, delegating, testing apps, and transferring assets, to explore the full potential of the Atlantis Testnet. More instructions will follow.

Developers — Rewards and Deployment
For developers, we encourage you to deploy your apps and smart contracts on the Testnet. As a token of our appreciation, developers will receive additional Testnet BCX as part of the automatic on-chain rewards. This will serve as a measure when distributing rewards, showcasing the value you bring to the ecosystem.

Validators play a crucial role in maintaining the network’s security and integrity. We invite validators to test the staking and delegation functions thoroughly and attract delegators to participate. The amount of delegation received will serve as the basis for reward distribution. Stay tuned for additional tasks specifically designed for validators to further engage and contribute to the network.

BXVX — BlockX Ventures Ecosystem Fund token

In our relentless pursuit of innovation, we are actively collaborating with developers to bring groundbreaking dApps into our ecosystem. To support this endeavor, we have launched an internal venture studio funded by the BlockX Ventures Ecosystem Fund Token (BXVX). This token not only provides exposure to BlockX Chain but also represents investments in disruptive Web3 industries such as AI, Metaverse, Social Media, Search, and Gaming. In addition fundraise from BXVX will also be used in the central pool for exchange partnerships, market-making and marketing of all projects including BCX.

To learn more about the BlockX Ventures Ecosystem Fund, visit

You can acquire BXVX tokens with crypto at

We firmly believe that emerging from Testnet#2 stronger than ever will pave the way for the launch of one of the industry’s most powerful Layer 1 chains. This achievement will catalyze the development of numerous mainstream Web3.0 dApps that will reshape the digital landscape.

Join us on the Atlantis Testnet and seize the opportunity to be part of a thriving ecosystem. Together, we will unlock the full potential of blockchain technology and shape the future of decentralized applications.

