Blockzero Monthly Newsletter #06 | The first Hype Blasts are out!

Luiz Cordeiro
Blockzero Labs
Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2022

Dear Citizens,

Two and a half years. That’s how long it’s been since the inception of Blockzero Labs, back then known as XIO Network. And two and a half years is how long I’ve been following it closely. The fact that this project is still chugging along healthily after all this time is a testament to both the core and the great community who put their faith in the team — and those of you who get involved via our Explorers Initiative!

In the early days throughout 2020, I was an eager citizen who loved the vision and wanted to help to grow it and help others to get involved. Eventually, this led to me being invited to join the core team, and I got involved in support as well as a bit of marketing, partnerships and strategy here and there: I co-led the Flashstake a Tesla campaign back in 2021, for example.

Fast forward to today and I am still involved in community support and remain keenly interested in marketing and partnerships. At the moment, I’m looking to drive awareness of our superb but largely unheard of Dropzero dApp; the world should know that they can reduce gas fees on airdrops by 99.9%! I’ll also never miss an opportunity to drive a partnership. That’s why I recently helped to drive the collaboration between our Cryptonaut NFTs and Arc, a new NFT marketplace.

With the launch of Flash v3 and Novas being just around the corner while Hype Club finds its own, I am more sure than ever of the value Blockzero is adding and can add to the DeFi space!

Cryptonauts on ARC

We’re partnering with ARC to bring the Cryptonauts to an #NFT Marketplace that boasts 1% tx fees, revenue share, listing rewards, tx prizes, plus bulk-upload & list with no upfront costs. Stay tuned on our socials for the upcoming AMA with more info!

May XIO Distro

The May XIO Distro for XLP rewards, campaign payments and Explorer’s Initiative payments are now available! Go to Dropzero to claim it.

The Hype Club is only a few weeks old, but its impact is already all over the place! Two more Hype Partners were announced: Jana Petkanic and 0xBilly (Billy’s episode on the Hype Cast is already live). This makes 7 partners announced so far, with 3 more to come in the upcoming weeks! 👀

In the last month, 4 Hype Blast were sent out, and the Hype Club Homies are already earning their $HYPE tokens!

Important! ⚠️ To receive $HYPE tokens from the blasts you need to create your Hype ID and open the email within 72h from the Blast. So, if you still haven’t done so, join us at and start earning!

Make sure to also follow the Hype Twitter and join the Discord.

Another big month for the Flashverse! As we get closer to the launch, our Core Team is putting in a lot of work for the go-to-market strategy. This month we also ​​had a snapshot voting on Flash tokenomics. The key points of the final decision being that the total token supply will be equal to 150M, and the additional tokens needed to support the 1:1 drop will be taken from the Flashback budget.

Join our Discord to follow the Weekly Updates!

This month we held the second Novas AMA. We run over all things regarding Novas, how the project is going, its impact on $XIO holders and also some sneak peeks of the new designs! 👀

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