Blockzero Monthly Newsletter #07 | The Flashstake Testnet Competition is Underway!

Luiz Cordeiro
Blockzero Labs
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2022

Hi there fellow Citizens!

I’m Luiz and I’ve joined the Blockzero family a few months ago as Content Lead and Marketing Coordinator. One of my jobs here is to assemble the most relevant information across Blockzero in this newsletter so we can keep you well informed on all the things we’re working on.

It might feel for me that we just started yesterday, but the reality is that this is our 7th edition already! Looking back, it’s pretty amazing to see all the things this team accomplished in this time. From continuing the development of existing projects, to launching new ones — like Hype Club — the Blockzero Team keeps proving itself everyday on and on!

We now enter the second half of the year and, even with tough market conditions, I couldn’t be more excited with what the future holds. From Glitch to Flashstake v3 launch, we’re working with full force to bring home the next big thing on Web3, and we can only thank our amazing community for sticking together as we go.

Onwards! 🚀

New Council Member

We are excited to announce that Nick Mitch has been successfully nominated by the Council and Core to join as the newest Blockzero Council member! Nick was recruited to Blockzero in January this year, and is currently our Project Manager Lead. Nick is a powerhouse who will really add value to the Council!

Hype Drops Don’t Stop

The Hype Club members are already receiving their tokens for the Hype Blasts! You can claim your tokens at To receive $HYPE tokens you need to create your Hype ID and open the email within 72h from the Blast. So, if you still haven’t done so, join us at and start earning!

The Flashstake Wave 1 Testnet Competition was a complete success! Over 335,000 interactions were logged with the Flashstake protocol, with 2.9 quintillion DAI staked and two bugs found and fixed — none of which in strategy contracts though.

We had over 2,500 people signed up for the Testnet, the majority of which we expect to be real users due to backend analytics.

Testnet Wave 2 will be announced very soon and you can still register here. Stay tuned for more updates!

We are very excited to announce that the Hype Family is growing! Ben Debonne is joining us to work exclusively on growing the amount of Homies. More Homies = More value = More Hype Blasts = More Payouts! 🤑

In the last few weeks we have built out the framework to make sure that we can efficiently calculate payouts. With all the issues resolved, we’re now able to execute transactions appropriately. As of today, claimable tokens include Blasts 3 and 4, the CultDAO promo, our Hype Partners, Social Challenge #2, and corrections for a few of our other promos for a couple that reached out and provided evidence they were eligible.

Don’t forget, you can earn up to 5% of your $HYPE balance on EACH Blast for referring Homies using the link you received when you signed up!

Dropzero is being rebranded and you now can follow its own Twitter Account to stay up to date with the news. In there you’ll see the new logo, which will soon be added to the new frontend design in the website. Stay tuned on our socials for more updates!

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