How to Use Mixins in Flutter

Affan Minhas
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2023

Mixins are a powerful tool in Flutter that allows developers to reuse code across multiple classes. A mixin is a way of adding functionality to a class without creating a new inheritance hierarchy. In this article, we will explore how to use mixins in Flutter.

What is a Mixin?

A mixin is a way of adding functionality to a class without creating a new inheritance hierarchy. In other words, it allows developers to add a specific set of methods and properties to a class without changing its base class. Mixins are commonly used for adding functionality that is shared across multiple classes.

Creating a Mixin

To create a mixin in Flutter, we can create a separate class that contains the methods and properties we want to reuse. The mixin class should not extend any other classes, and its methods and properties should be declared as abstract.

Here is an example of a simple mixin that provides a method for printing a message to the console:

mixin MessageMixin {
void printMessage(String message) {

Using a Mixin

To use a mixin in Flutter, we need to include it in the class that we want to extend. We do this by using the with keyword followed by the name of the mixin class. Here is an example of using the MessageMixin in a Person class:

class Person with MessageMixin {
String name;


void introduce() {
printMessage("Hello, my name is $name.");

In this example, the Person class includes the MessageMixin using the with keyword. This allows the Person class to use the printMessage method from the MessageMixin without having to implement it itself.

Let’s take an examples where we use mixins in our flutter app:

1. Authentication Mixin:

Suppose you want to add authentication functionality to multiple screens in your app. You can create an authentication mixin that contains methods for handling login and logout functionality. Then, you can add the mixin to the screens that require authentication.

mixin AuthenticationMixin {
bool _isLoggedIn = false;

void login() {
_isLoggedIn = true;
// Code for handling login

void logout() {
_isLoggedIn = false;
// Code for handling logout

2. Form Validation Mixin:

mixin FormValidationMixin {
bool _validateName(String name) {
return name.isNotEmpty;

bool _validateEmail(String email) {
// Regular expression for validating email format
RegExp regex = RegExp(r'^[\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4}$');
return regex.hasMatch(email);

3. Counter Mixin:

Suppose you want to add a counter functionality to multiple widgets in your app. You can create a counter mixin that contains a counter variable and methods for incrementing and decrementing the counter. Then, you can add the mixin to the widgets that require the counter functionality.

mixin CounterMixin {
int _counter = 0;

void incrementCounter() {

void decrementCounter() {

These are just a few examples of how mixins can be used in Flutter. Mixins can be used to add common functionality to multiple classes and widgets in your app, making your code more modular and reusable.


Mixins are a powerful tool in Flutter that allows developers to reuse code across multiple classes. They are commonly used for adding functionality that is shared across multiple classes. To create a mixin, we can create a separate class that contains the methods and properties we want to reuse. To use a mixin, we include it in the class that we want to extend using the with keyword. By using mixins, we can write more efficient and maintainable code in our Flutter applications.

It’s pretty simple 😀. You can clap as more you can so go for it then

