Supabase: The Latest and Fastest Database Solution for Modern Flutter Apps

Affan Minhas
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2023

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, having a robust and efficient database solution is crucial for powering modern applications. One name that’s been making waves in this space is Supabase. This article explores why Supabase is not only the latest but also one of the fastest database solutions available today. We’ll also compare it to Firebase and delve into how you can seamlessly integrate it with Flutter.

Certainly! Supabase is an exciting and innovative database solution that is gaining popularity among developers for its unique features and capabilities. Here’s an overview of what Supabase is and what makes it stand out:

1. Open Source Nature:

One of the defining features of Supabase is that it is open source. This means that the source code is freely available and can be inspected, modified, and extended by developers. This open approach ensures transparency and allows users to tailor Supabase to their specific project needs.

2. Built on Postgres:

Supabase is built on top of PostgreSQL, a powerful and highly respected relational database system. This choice of foundation provides Supabase with robustness, scalability, and speed. PostgreSQL is known for its performance and reliability, making it an excellent choice for demanding applications.

3. Real-time GraphQL:

Supabase also offers real-time GraphQL, which enables you to build powerful and flexible APIs for your applications. GraphQL allows clients to request exactly the data they need, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching of data.

4. Integration with Popular Frameworks:

Supabase provides SDKs and libraries for various programming languages and frameworks, making it easy to integrate with technologies like React, Angular, Vue.js, and, Flutter.

The Need for Speed: Supabase vs. Firebase

  1. Open Source Freedom:

Supabase is open-source, giving you the freedom to customize and extend it as needed, without vendor lock-in. Firebase, on the other hand, can sometimes limit your flexibility due to its closed-source nature.

2. Performance:

Supabase’s Postgres-based architecture is renowned for its speed and reliability, making it an ideal choice for high-performance applications. Firebase, while efficient, may not match Supabase’s raw performance in certain scenarios.

3. Real-Time Data:

Supabase offers real-time data synchronization out of the box, providing instant updates to your app when data changes occur. Firebase, while capable of real-time data, often requires a more complex setup for similar functionality.

Integrating Supabase with Flutter

Integrating Supabase with Flutter is a seamless process, making it a popular choice for developers. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Set Up Supabase Project:

Start by creating a Supabase project and configuring your database. This can be done via the Supabase dashboard. Go with the URL create your account and then create your first project.

2. Initialize Supabase in Flutter:

Use the official supabase_flutter package to initialize Supabase in your Flutter app. This package provides all the necessary tools to work with Supabase. Get it from here

3. Authentication:

Integrate user authentication easily with Supabase’s built-in authentication features. You can handle user sign-ups, logins, and user management effortlessly.

Follow the steps:

Import the package:

import 'package:supabase_flutter/supabase_flutter.dart';

Initialize Supabase before using it:

import 'package:supabase_flutter/supabase_flutter.dart';

void main() async {

await Supabase.initialize(


// It's handy to then extract the Supabase client in a variable for later uses
final supabase = Supabase.instance.client;

Authentication Example:

final supabase = Supabase.instance.client;

// Email and password sign up
await supabase.auth.signUp(
email: email,
password: password,

// Email and password login
await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword(
email: email,
password: password,

// Magic link login
await supabase.auth.signInWithOtp(email: '');

// Listen to auth state changes
supabase.auth.onAuthStateChange.listen((data) {
final AuthChangeEvent event = data.event;
final Session? session = data.session;
// Do something when there is an auth event

By following these steps you can easily configure supabase login and sign into your flurtter app.


In the era of instant data and real-time apps, Supabase is undoubtedly a game-changer, and its integration with Flutter makes it an even more compelling choice for modern app development. So, if you’re looking for a database solution that combines the best of speed and versatility, give Supabase a try — it might just be the key to unlocking your app’s full potential.

