Unleash Your Creativity: Designing an Eye-Catching GitHub Profile README

Abdullah Ahmed Soomro
Published in
8 min readApr 11, 2024

In the vast landscape of the coding universe, your GitHub profile is more than just repository storage; it’s a reflection of your identity as a developer. Just as a well-organized codebase is crucial for a project, a visually appealing GitHub profile can leave a lasting impression on fellow developers, recruiters, and open-source enthusiasts.

The secret? A feature often overlooked — is your GitHub Profile README.

In this guide, we will delve into the art of crafting an eye-catching GitHub Profile README. Whether you’re a coding maestro or just getting started on your programming journey, enhancing your GitHub profile is a creative endeavor that not only showcases your technical prowess but also lets your personality shine through.

So, buckle up as we explore the steps to transform your GitHub presence from the mundane to the mesmerizing. It’s time to make your mark in the coding community!

Let’s begin:

Behold, my GitHub profile is in its current state — bare, bland, and begging for a makeover. But fear not, for we are about to embark on a journey of transformation, turning this uninspiring canvas into a masterpiece that will captivate visitors and leave them in awe.

Create Repository:

As we begin our journey to revamp your GitHub profile, the first step is to create a dedicated repository to house your README and any additional assets. Navigate to the main page of your GitHub account, where you’ll find the ‘Create repository’ button eagerly awaiting your click. Go ahead, and give it a gentle tap to kickstart the transformation process.

Welcome to the Create Repository screen, your gateway to crafting the foundation of your GitHub profile README. Take a moment to fill in the following details:

  1. Repository Name: Great repository names are short and memorable. But for this, you have to write your username here, which will represent your profile repository.

Here is your user name selected in the owner dropdown.

When entering your username, note that GitHub automatically designates this repository as special, tying it directly to your profile. This ensures seamless navigation for visitors and establishes it as a central hub for showcasing your work and identity within the GitHub ecosystem.

  1. Optional Description: Provide a brief overview of your repository’s purpose or contents. This description will appear on your GitHub profile, so make it engaging and informative, it optional but writing a description is good practice.
  2. Public or Private Repo: Decide whether you want your repository to be accessible to the public or restricted to collaborators. Choose wisely based on your intended audience and project goals. Since our goal is to showcase your talent and projects to the world, we’ll select “Public Repository” to ensure that your work is visible to everyone. This choice allows fellow developers, recruiters, and enthusiasts to explore your projects and contributions freely, fostering collaboration and recognition within the community.
  3. Add a README File: Ensure the “Add a README file” checkbox is ticked. This will initialize your repository with a README.md file, the canvas on which we’ll work our magic to create your eye-catching profile README.
  4. Add .gitignore: Select any specific files or directories you want Git to ignore when tracking changes in your repository. This helps keep your project clean and organized. We don’t need this for now so forget it.
  5. Choose License: Consider which license best suits your project’s needs in terms of sharing, modifying, and distributing your code. If unsure, GitHub guides you on selecting a license that aligns with your goals. You can continue with selecting none.

Once you’ve filled in these details, hit the “Create repository” button, and voilà! You’re one step closer to transforming your GitHub profile into a showcase of your skills and creativity.

Fantastic! Congratulations on creating your GitHub repository!

Now if you just want to view your profile you have to just click here

Here is your profile view:

Now let’s make it beautiful, just tap on the edit icon:

You will land on this page:

To enhance your profile page and give it a personalized touch similar to mine, simply visit my GitHub profile at www.github.com/abdullahsoomro-blocship/abdullahsoomro-blocship and copy the code provided. Be sure to replace ‘Abdullah Ahmed Soomro’ and ‘My social links’ with your information. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions, feel free to reach out to me via LinkedIn or email for assistance

<!-- My Contribution Section -->
![Snake animation](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/abdullahahmedsoomro/abdullahahmedsoomro/output/github-contribution-grid-snake-dark.svg)

In addition to customizing your profile, don’t miss out on the interactive Snake game located at the bottom. Simply copy and paste the provided code snippet into your README to add this playful feature to your profile. Challenge yourself and others to beat the high score as you navigate the iconic snake through its maze! (you have to just replace the URL).

In the end, you have just click on the “Commit Change” button.

Here is the view:

Did you noticed this:
The snake animation is not working, we have to write GitHub. workflow for it.

Don’t let the process overwhelm you — I’ve got your back! To start, create a folder named “.github” and within that, another one named “workflows”. Then, inside “workflows”, craft a file called “main.yaml”. Ready to dive in? Head back to your profile, click on ‘create file’, and let’s get started!

You will navigate to this screen

Don’t fret if you don’t see an option for creating a folder directly. Simply type ‘.github/’ in the file name field — it will automatically generate a folder with that name. Voilà! You’re one step closer to setting up your workflows. Let’s continue!

After typing the name just copy and paste this code into “Edit file content”

name: generate animation

# run automatically every 24 hours
- cron: "0 */12 * * *"

# allows to manually run the job at any time

# run on every push on the main branch
- main

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 10

# generates a snake game from a github user (<github_user_name>) contributions graph, output a svg animation at <svg_out_path>
- name: generate github-contribution-grid-snake.svg
uses: Platane/snk/svg-only@v3
github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
outputs: |

# push the content of <build_dir> to a branch
# the content will be available at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/<github_user>/<repository>/<target_branch>/<file> , or as github page
- name: push github-contribution-grid-snake.svg to the output branch
uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v3.1.0
target_branch: output
build_dir: dist

After that just click on the “Commit Changes” button.

Now go to the repository “setting ”and select “General” from “Action ” dropdown:

Scroll down to this,

Check the read and write permissions option

Fill in the checkbox and Save!

Now you have to just enable GitHub action on this repository. Go to the Actions tab from your repository and enable GitHub Action, you will see one workflow that we created, click on it.

Now click on the “Generate” button.

You will see this

your yaml file is processing…

While it is processing let’s change our theme:
Go to “Setting ”select “Appearence” select theme mode “Single Theme”, I am choosing “Dark high Contrast”

The theme is changed lets get back to our file.

Our file successfully compiled

Go back to your profile, Here is the Final view:

Looks stunning, doesn’t it? Now, it’s your turn to jazz up your profile! If you encounter any roadblocks or need a guiding hand, don’t hesitate to reach out to me via LinkedIn or email. Let’s make your profile shine together!

Thank you for joining me on this journey to transform your GitHub profile into a captivating showcase of your skills and personality. If you found this guide helpful and would like to support my work, consider buying me a coffee. Your generosity helps fuel future content creation and keeps the creativity flowing. Cheers to your success, and happy coding!

