Contentment (Part 1)

Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365
Published in
1 min readSep 18, 2016

I don’t have a lot in me to write tonight. It’s late (yeah, 9:20 PM is late for me these days … even on a Saturday) and I’m tired and uninspired. So tonight I’ll share a quote. One that I’d like to write more about another time. Perhaps tomorrow.

I’m a big Dave Ramsey fan, which has led to me being a Rachel Cruze fan (his daughter). I was lucky enough to be selected as a “launch team” member for her newest book, Love Your Life, Not Theirs, which comes out October 3rd, and given an advance copy.

I’m about halfway through with it, and so much of the content speaks to me. Loudly and clearly. The quote above is an example.

Tomorrow I’ll write about contentment.

Day 17



Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365

ELA TOSA, edu-blogger, advocate of high standards & support for all kids, @natblogcollab co-founder & writing coach