Contentment (Part 2)

Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2016

Do you relate to this? I sure do. As I mentioned yesterday, I was able to get my hands on a pre-release copy of Rachel Cruze’s new book, Love Your Life, Not Theirs, and topic, unfortunately, hits home in so many ways.

Some background: I’m 29 years old and have spent the entirety of my adult life as an active consumer and participant of social media. I’m not so young that I don’t remember a time without it. In fact, I often look at my students, and am thankful that I passed through my adolescent years before Facebook, Instagram, and SnapChat. Online tools designed to connect; however, I’ve witnessed them rip people’s worlds apart.

We’ve all heard the saying, “keeping up with the Jones’,” but we live in a world where the Jones’ are in our face 24/7….

We see perfect snapshots of their lavish vacation on IG.

The photo album on Facebook containing pictures of their brand new 4,000 square foot home in the burbs.

A snapchat of their new car (didn’t they just get a new car last year?)

It’s so hard not to compare yourself to others in a world of over sharing and online obsession. I do it. A lot. But, my goal is to do it less. To be more and more content with my life; what I work hard for and what I’m blessed with, instead of thinking less of my own accomplishments and possessions because they don’t “measure up” to those I see on someone else’s highlight real.

More on this topic some other day…

Day 18



Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365

ELA TOSA, edu-blogger, advocate of high standards & support for all kids, @natblogcollab co-founder & writing coach