It’s How You Finish

Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2016

Tonight’s post will be short and sweet. I’m tired, sore, heading back to work tomorrow after 5 days off (3 from my accident + the weekend), and the ending to the Seahawks game today definitely took a toll on my wellbeing, namely my blood pressure — however, that just seems to be how my Hawks roll.

Tonight is a reminder about finishing strong.

At work, in relationships, or basically any personal endeavor, we are bound to have hiccups. We are going to stumble, we will undoubtedly have to adjust our course a time or two.

We can launch our most focused, detailed, and well thought out plan into motion like a masterfully thrown Russell Wilson pass and it will sometimes, be it rarely, be intercepted by a Miami Dolphin…

….wait, you get what I mean.

When things turn south, it’s easy to throw your hands up and say screw it. It’s easy to make excuses that things are too hard or life’s not fair or you’re just not good/smart/you fill in the blank enough.

But, the game's not over until that last second ticks by in the 4th quarter. And yeah, sometimes you don’t walk away with the W, even when you give it everything you have until that whistle blows.

But in my mind, what counts is your effort and perseverance, both in moments of greatness and gloom. In triumph and turmoil. What counts is finishing what you started; always with a little grace, a lot of gratitude, and a great deal of grit.

#gohawks 💙💚💙

Day 11



Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365

ELA TOSA, edu-blogger, advocate of high standards & support for all kids, @natblogcollab co-founder & writing coach