Locker Room Talk

Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365
Published in
1 min readOct 11, 2016

“This was locker room talk. I’m not proud of it. I apologized to my family. I apologized to American people. Certainly I’m not proud of it, but this is locker room talk.” -Donald Trump, 10/9/2016 Presidential Debate

Since last Friday, the recording of Donald Trump blatantly and disgustingly disregarding any sort of notion of respect towards women has been plastered all over the media. It’s been refreshing to see some of my conservative friends, family members, and colleagues voice their concern over the quality of character of the Republican presidential nominee — however, the most common narrative surrounding this concern has me thinking …

What if he said that to your sister.

Your daughter.

Your wife.

That would really piss you off, wouldn’t it? This is what I’m hearing pretty consistently as a rationale for outage.

But, should it really matter if it’s someone in your inner circle or not? Shouldn’t it be unacceptable to speak to or about any woman, anyone, in that manner?

I am more than a little concerned.

Day 39



Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365

ELA TOSA, edu-blogger, advocate of high standards & support for all kids, @natblogcollab co-founder & writing coach