Monday Gratitude

Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365
Published in
1 min readOct 25, 2016

I created a gratitude log in my bullet journal, but my Type A self can only stand to start it on the 1st. Until then, a week of gratitude here…

90 minutes in the car commuting home. Horns honking, breaks squealing, rain coating the windshield.

Home. Dash to the door to avoid getting drenched. Check the mail, cats want food, MUST get out of these heels. The work day is done, yet I can’t help but rush.

Down the stairs, two at a time, what was on my to-do list tonight?

I know I wrote it down somewh….


I am stopped in my tracks.

The evening sunlight is pouring through my windows; erasing the chill that envelopes the room. Such a stark contrast from the gloom that hung in the air all day.

I can’t help but stop, take a deep breath, and be grateful for moments like this.

Day 54



Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365

ELA TOSA, edu-blogger, advocate of high standards & support for all kids, @natblogcollab co-founder & writing coach