Pay Attention

Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365
Published in
2 min readSep 28, 2016

I love this.

I heard this quote, or something very similar, on a podcast that I listen to regularly. I had to pause the podcast, rewind, and listen again.

I needed to hear this.

The word attention started rolling around in my mind and I subconsciously replaced it with a other words:




I’m a worrier. An obsessor. I function best at a slightly heightened level of anxiety; my therapist explains it as my norm. My modus operandi if you will.

If you’ve been reading my blogs (bless you) you might sense this tone in my written words. But please let me be clear, this is a personality trait that I’ve learned to recognize and understand. To value, even. I don’t see it as a bad thing, but instead, something that keeps me motivated, driven, and goal oriented.

Except for those times it doesn’t. When it causes me to distribute my emotional and mental energy in the most inequitable ways to the least deserving recipients.

This quote reminds me of that. There are some things in life that just plain old don’t deserve the energy. The attention. The worry. Or maybe if they deserve some, certainly not the amount I naturally allocate them.

Moving forward: pay attention.

Day 27



Brooke Carlyle Perry
Blog 365

ELA TOSA, edu-blogger, advocate of high standards & support for all kids, @natblogcollab co-founder & writing coach