3 Reasons Why You Need Iterations in ASO

Nika Grigoryeva
Asodesk blog 🚀
3 min readMay 11, 2019

People frequently ask us about why would anyone need iterations? Why can’t you just get all of the search queries at once and optimally place them into the application meta data? We believe that there are at least 3 reasons for them.

Reason One

You know for certain, what position your application is going to appear at. This is the problem of your app’s relevance and competitiveness by search query.

The main idea that we are trying to convey to you through our Workshops and in the Academy is that the main goal of ASO is search engine maximization. Traffic increasing goal is achieved by selecting search queries that are the most relevant to your app’s functions that in the same time have traffic and whose competition level allows achieving the top positions, so that your application is visible to users.

If you have done the first iteration and your application is rather low in the search listing to be overlooked by users, then you aren’t fulfilling the traffic maximization goal, thus, you need an iteration to make adjustments. Maybe you should place some of the queries in the App name to make it to the top positions and either remove some of them or move them to an additional locale as less priority. There are many ways to do it, depending on your particular situation.

Reason Two

You don’t know what is this search query’s amount of traffic. This is a problem of a precise query frequency evaluation. ASOdesk provides such tools, as Search Ads Popularity and Traffic Score to help you out with this.

The first tool is basically a logarithmic scale that doesn’t provide volumes’ understanding in terms of users and you will need to spend a budget to only check the frequency. But, let’s not forget that even if we determine the frequency, we still won’t know that organic query position without making another iteration.

The second tool is an algorithm based on the idea of query hints, their order, users per day values estimation via keyword boost campaigns and corrections by the Search Ads Popularity index. This means that if a query isn’t provided in hints and the Search Ads popularity index equals 5, traffic estimation would normally be 0. This is quite close to reality, although there are long-tail keywords that aren’t provided in hints and whose Search Ads popularity index is 5, but in the same time have a small audience, which can potentially bring rather useful tens and hundreds of your app’s installs per day in a country.

This is why it is necessary to check the actual frequency on practice, which require iterations.

Reason Three

Something constantly changes. This is a problem of constant changes in the market.

Your competitors do not sleep and, if you’ve ever found good search queries with low competition, where your app is in the top, your competitors can find these same queries over time through, say, Organic Report, and optimize for them as well.

Maybe a new functionality appeared during the last year and you could look for appropriate queries? Moreover, maybe this is the killer feature that you should include either in the app Title or Subtitle.

Maybe you’ve changed the strategy of your application’s development? Maybe you’ve raised your investments or finalized monetization and now are ready to buy greater traffic volumes, which now provides you with an opportunity to qualify for getting to the top by more traffic intensive queries? Maybe your previous strategy made you focus on long-tail keywords with low competition?

It could also be that previously users simply didn’t know that such applications exist and can be found through the search, and now a big player came in to change the situation. After their appearance the amount of search queries on the local market increased, which is definitely going to make you revise your ASO.

There can be many reasons to constantly ASO and conduct regular work in it.

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Nika Grigoryeva
Asodesk blog 🚀

I’m a professional with a big experience in mobile and web marketing, one of my top skills is App Store Optimization.