Price notifier is ready to use!

Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2018
Cryptocurrency alerts

The second item roadmap is done.

We think each of you knows about what price notifier or maybe price alerts means, but we will remind.

Price notifier gives you an opportunity, monitor cryptocurrency prices not sitting behind a computer or phone screen, but doing your work.

So, all you need to do, to start follow prices, it’s:
1. Sign in (or sign up) to Profile with email address and password.

2. Choose Price notifier and enter pair you want to monitor.

Note: you can monitor pairs that are on Indexer page only. If you didn’t find pair you need, just send us application and we’ll add this pair to the site.

3. If the price rise to the required level you’ll get the notify to your email address (we will add Telegram bot shortly).

Working panel of notifier

That’s all. In the near future, we are planing to increase the number of pairs, that’s makes using this tool more comprehensive and useful.

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