Book: Problems? Hey! (Problems, Solution, Growth and Future X Insecurity and Cowardice)

Alex Souza
blog do zouza
Published in
4 min readJan 21, 2022

Hey guys!

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Below is an excerpt from the PREFACE of the book: Problems? Hey! The Revolution for You to Win in the Business World that I found very interesting and I share it here with you!

All rights are reserved to the author of the book: Roberto Shinyashiki and to Sérgio Valente who wrote the Preface to this book!
The excerpt from the book, described below, was taken from the website: Prosa Interativa (no longer available).

Once upon a time, many, many years ago, there was a kingdom far away (maybe not as far away as you might think) fought over by two families. Two families that shared the powers of the Realm of Growth . Two families that didn’t really like each other very much, but complemented each other very well. Even because the children, ah the children!, loved each other madly.

Prince Problem was a little older. I had been born before. But Princess Solution was beautiful, she was everything Problem dreamed of. Where Problema went, since he was little, Solution followed, half hidden, especially when Problem was still small.

Solution had this kind of magical gift, she managed to hide, but when she was discovered, ah!, she turned out to be really beautiful. And Problem , seeing Solution ‘s radiant beauty , almost hid behind her.

They were complete together. The more he grew, the more Problem conquered new kingdoms and admirers, having at his side the radiant Solution , which always accompanied him in the disputes they faced.

They grew in age and in love. There was no longer one without the other. And the realm of Growth took on a size never seen before, because with the princes in love Problem and Solution , everything was a result.

But one day (have you noticed that every story has a “but one day”?) the kingdom was invaded by the squad of the sisters Insecurity and Cowardice (an arm of the family that had disappeared for a while, but was there, planning their return and his revenge against the realm of Growth ).

See how sad, just before the wedding of the princes, Solution was kidnapped.

Nobody saw. Nobody knew. Nobody helped. And the kingdom withered away.

Problem got cranky. Nobody could bear to talk to him. Problem , without Solution , was unbearable, everyone in the kingdom had almost forgotten how generous that dashing and vigorous Prince Problem was when accompanied by Princess Solution . But he was alone, and the longer he was alone, the more alone he was left and the grumpier he became.

For a long, long time, everyone in the kingdom was even afraid of Prince Trouble . When he appeared, everyone fled. And the more lonely it was, the more lonely it was and the more cranky it became.

On the other side of the world, Princess Solution , after a long time, managed to outwit the sisters Insecurity and Cowardice and escaped captivity, but was cursed by the sisters with very evil magic.

Poor thing, it was wandering. Solution , in search of a Problem , did not solve anything, did not make anyone happy. Solution deluded by the sisters’ magic, she still saw Problem where nothing existed, only to complete itself.

See, how sad: Solution was so close, but hidden (remember that she always had an enormous capacity to make herself disappear until the last moment, in which case, it never arrived?). Trouble so close, but alone, complaining, in the tower of his castle, where no one dared to come near.

A torment. Two torments. Problem , without having its solution. Solution , trying to figure out your problem. And the kingdom fading (I love that word, I think it’s so “once upon a time” — but the story goes on).

Until one day, they wrote a book. A magical book. Such a powerful book, written by a local mage that illuminated everything. And the more you read it, the more powerful it became. And everyone in the kingdom began to see.

Problem was actually misunderstood. He was that same adored being who helped everyone and had made the kingdom grow so much. One by one, everyone in the kingdom began to visit him.

In the beginning it was really difficult, but the more people faced the Problem , the more they became enchanted with the possibilities that were close to it.

Thanks to this magical book, Problem became so loved, so loved, that his heart began to radiate a light so strong, but so strong, that he destroyed the magic of the malevolent sisters, and Solution , letting himself be guided by the light of Problem . , revealed itself in all its splendor at the castle gate. Problem arose from where it was. Solution burst into the room. AND …

Ah the happiness of the encounter! When Problem and Solution met, they loved each other madly, bringing happiness to the entire kingdom.

A short time later they had a son: Futuro . And Future became the fairest, wisest, and most powerful kingdom in all of history. And made the whole kingdom grow with him. For he kept all the power of the father, Problem , and all the tenderness of the mother, Solution .”

Thanks for reading and until next time!

Reading in Portuguese…

