Notes from your home office

reMarkable Blog
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2020

More people are working from home than ever before, and technology use is changing in order to keep up.

As the office finds its way into people’s living rooms, ironing boards are becoming standing desks, and private nooks are becoming public broadcasting stations.

The way we work is being redefined, from the rising popularity of whiteboarding apps and clever project management solutions, to the emergence of cardboard desks and makeshift footstools. So with the help of our creative Facebook and Instagram friends, we’ve cataloged a few timely work-from-home tips of our own.

Notes everywhere

One thing came through loud and clear when we asked our followers what they’ve been using their paper tablets for lately: reMarkable people are still taking lots of notes. Notes for everything. Lecture notes, progress notes, interview notes, call notes, design notes, even podcast notes.

Paper tablets are being scribbled on out in the sun, on the roof, early in the morning, late at night, and all over the world. But the overwhelming favorite thing to use reMarkable for at the moment is online meeting notes.

Having a paper tablet while video conferencing gives you a separate place for your meeting notes, helping you focus and actively engage in discussion, while still being able to write down your thoughts.

Focused meetings

Whether you’re using Skype, Zoom, or something else in the sea of new options, the next distraction is only a tab away. The more tabs that are open, the greater the temptation becomes.

It’s not a particularly new challenge. People have been working from home since the dawn of the internet, but it’s perhaps the nature of its latest services and gadgets, that makes drifting off during online meetings so easy. You only have to look to the new phenomenon of virtual doppelgangers attending Zoom calls, to see people are finding it hard to focus on their digital meetups.

Making your meetings full screen, and leaving the laptop to do its job as a conferencing tool, can free up your brain for more focused online meetings, and better notes.

No paper. No problem.

Along with focused meetings, another home office essential is a clean and tidy workspace, the enemy of which is the home printer and the stacks of paper it generates.

Let’s face it, printers take up desk space, they always need ink, and seem to have more wireless connection issues than what would seem possible… for a device that only has one real job. That’s perhaps why they’re not proudly sitting on as many home desks as they used to, and why more people use their office printer for paper tasks, leaving their clutter at work.

Without a printer or scanner on hand, having a paper tablet comes into its own. Particularly when it comes to signing documents, making annotations, and sharing your notes with colleagues. It also has the power to turn an untidy stack of documents and dog-eared notebooks into a single device, clearing up cluttered desks in the process.

What a ride

It’s been illuminating seeing the wide range of ways people are using their paper tablets. If you’d like to share how you’re using your reMarkable, post using the hashtag #remarkablepaper on Instagram or Twitter. You can also find step-by-step guides and walkthroughs of our latest features over on our support site.

Still around? Here are some more of our favorite reMarkable home office use cases:

