reMarkable 2 in TIME top 100

reMarkable Blog
Published in
1 min readNov 20, 2020
International cover of TIME

reMarkable 2, the next-generation paper tablet, has just found its way into TIME as part of TIME’s Best Inventions of 2020 list.

We’re incredibly proud to be included alongside some of the world’s best products. TIME is undoubtedly one of the largest, and most reputable, publications in the media landscape, so to see recognition from them is as humbling as it is exciting.

The coverage focuses on reMarkable’s mission to create better paper, and highlights reMarkable 2’s improvements over its predecessor, namely the 4.7 mm thin design and two week battery life.

Each year TIME turns the spotlight on innovations they believe are making the world “better, smarter and even a bit more fun.” The popular list is put together by TIME’s editors, as well as correspondents from around the globe.

The paper tablet has also been featured on the front cover of TIME’s international version, along with other innovations touted as changing the way we live.

View the full list here, and the reMarkable 2 write-up here.


