Meenakshi Gaba
Law & Legal
Published in
2 min readMar 6, 2017


Deference stands deferred

Honourable Chief Justice of India, Mr. Jagdish Singh Khehar claims that lawyers can no more go ahead of queue for hearings of their clients, it will not be permissable.

Giving instance of the Uphaar case, Mr. Khehar labels lawyers like Ram Jethmalani as Star Lawyers, for they tend to steal the march over other lawyers by listing the case in early hearings which mostly works out. Justice needs to be served in equality, agenda is to abide by procedural equality.

Brief on Uphaar case:

Uphaar cinema fire tradegy case that buzzed, Real Estate tycoons Gopal Ansal,69 and elder brother Sushil Ansal,77 were held responsible and sentenced imprisonment, considering the principle of parity it was proposed that a substantial amount of fine as 30 crores each can lever the sentence, this 60 crores will be used to build a trauma centre. Sushil had already been pardoned on 9th February considering Gopal will complete full 1 year sentence but Gopal filed an application seeking for parity in sentence as suffered age-related ailments. CJI agreed to list the application if only SC registry found no objection. Thereafter registry objected and the application did not get filed.

Refusing to bestow any preferential treatment Justice Khehar made sure his words are marked.


1. Star lawyers may not get to jump queue, published on 4th March 2017

