Storing alsamixer settings on Ubuntu and its derivatives

Abu Sakib
Blog of An Introvert
1 min readJul 9, 2018
Alsamixer: The graphical sound mixer tool for Linux

The general rule of thumb of storing alsamixer settings is to run the following command:

sudo alsactl store

If it doesn’t work, like in my case, then we have to do the following things:

  1. Open alsamixer as superuser:
sudo alsamixer

2. Change whatever you want.

3. Exit alsamixer and run:

sudo alsactl — file ~/.config/asound.state store

This creates a asound.state file in your home directory’s .config folder and stores the current alsamixer settings in it.

4. Now we create a .desktop file in the /.config/autostart directory so that our asound.state file can be loaded each time our machine reboots, thus making our alsamixer available the way we want it to.

We now run:

sudo nano ~/.config/autostart/alsarestore.desktop 

This will create and open our .desktop file in the nano editor. We put the following lines in this file:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=alsactl — file ~/.config/asound.state restore

5. Save and exit and our work is done! You’d probably want to reboot to check and see if it’s really working.

I hope this process works for everyone as it did for me. If you liked my article, please give me clap and share it- it’d mean a lot to me…

Good days!



Abu Sakib
Blog of An Introvert

Interested in programming, Linux, open source, literature, art, film, philosophy, chess, anime and many other things…