Learning to Learn!

It’s not simple to learn anything, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't or we can’t. You can always ask people to teach you, but how long are you gonna ask them to keep teaching you things? one month? An year? You can’t possibly ask every-time you need to learn something.

The Blog of Meghashyam


“Give a boy fish you’ll help him but teach him to fish you are helping him to help himself”

A wonderful line indeed. This line is talking more about teaching but that’s not what I am going to write about. I was stuck by a thought. Did you? This quote has the other-side which talks about accepting to learn. Assume if the boy refuses to learn. What would happen to him? He probably would end up asking everyone for a fish.

Think about this; did someone teach astronomy to the person who invented it? Did someone say to him, ‘hey! you must learn astronomy and invent it. Learn from me.’

Did someone teach you the new words you learnt? No. You know which letters the word is made up with and you know how to pronounce them. You looked up the dictionary and found out what it means. It’s as simple as this.

The thing here is Observance. You observe things when they are done the way they are done. You don’t just stop there. You Understand reasons to things the way they are done. And you Follow it. For most of the daily routine, these actions are involuntary. You don’t realize that you do these things. Now when things go real wrong which they obviously will when you’re new to something, you give up. You get frightened. You stop these actions and you stop learning.

If you could focus a little bit more on the things that are new, follow the above actions and you will learn. All you need is that extra push to do these things.




When you do these, you are learning to learn!



The Blog of Meghashyam

A Software Engineer by Profession and a Photographer by passion.