The common point between cake and trust | Zineb Beladel

Book of Trust
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2018

Have you ever made a cake before? If not, then you should know that most of time we put the first ingredients in a bowl: eggs, sugar, oil… then add a bit of flour, stir, a bit more of flour, stir, until you get the consistency you want.

Flour is here to make the other ingredients stick together.

If you put too much flour, the cake will be too solid and would weight more like a brick, would taste bad and would eventually be thrown away.

If you add too little of it, the cake slices would easily break between your fingers before they reach your mouth. Not really the result you’re looking for.

Trust is a bit like flour here.

Your relationship with the other person being the rest of the ingredients.

The “amount” of trust you put in another person changes the “consistency” of your relationship with them.

Put too much trust in someone and they might fail you.

Trust too little and you might miss out A LOT.

What a sacred cake we have here, right?

But how do you know whether you can trust someone or not? You surely do not want to get hurt, right?

And with all the theft, crime and betrayal stories we hear about every day, it is surely not a piece of cake (pun intended).

Well I think that, unfortunately, you cannot know for sure whether someone is trustworthy or not just by exchanging a few sentences with them. It takes time. Like every precious thing out there.

How many cakes did you throw away? How many cakes broke before you could bite them?

If you screw up one cake, will you stop making cakes for good?

If one cake recipe did not work out for you, does that mean that all the other cakes you did not try making yet are not worth it?

Whatever decision you take remember one thing: the flour pot is yours.

You decide of how much flour you put in there.

You own it. And as a possession, you pretty much have the right to fear its loss. It is normal.

Just remember: no flour, no cake.

No trust, no relationship.

Life is all about trial and error and trust does not escape this rule either.



Book of Trust

promoting creativity to solve social and economic challenges.