How Digital Asset Management Can Support Your Sales Efforts?

Almost any company or organization could get value from using a digital asset management solution, but there are some types of users that tend to benefit a bit more from a DAM platform than others. We at have long-term experience in working with the sales teams of various businesses and know how important it is to have the right instruments to streamline the buying cycle and generate more leads. Today we’ll explore how a DAM solution can be beneficial for the sales team in detail.

DAM Benefits for the Sales Team

In sales, timing is everything. If your salespeople have the tools and capabilities to act quickly and in a focused manner, they are much more likely to capture the interest of prospects. There are several areas in which digital assets can be beneficial for the sales team.

DAM provides quick access to marketing collateral

Sales representatives often have to make a presentation on the fly. Access to brand assets whenever they are needed is critical and this is where a DAM comes in handy. They can grab use cases, booklets, brand books, presentations on the go and share with a prospect or a distributor all while the central sales office works with marketing to ensure that the brand assets get used appropriately and by the right people to maintain brand consistency.

At the same time, a digital asset management solution guarantees that the sales team will have access to the latest version of the marketing collateral. Hence, they will provide new and existing clients with the right materials at the right time.

DAM raises the effectiveness of the sales pitch

With DAM, salespeople can quickly find and distribute valuable content to help personalize and reinforce their sales pitch. Simply put, a digital asset management solution helps your sales team to be more effective at selling. It does this by providing your sales team with quick access to appropriate resources at the right point in the buying cycle. Digital asset management can provide salespeople with a vast library of sales material, so they can select and distribute the material that more closely fits the prospect in question.

DAM supports each stage of the buying cycle

Distributing appropriate takeaway content to the sales prospect is also an effective way of making your sales process more effective. For example, we at make the records of the demo calls with prospective clients. These demos are placed into the specific collection within the system and are regularly reviewed.

Such an approach helps the sales team to improve the quality of future demo calls and increase the paid conversion rate. For example, if some information was not accurate during the call the sales manager will follow up and correct his answer. Besides, it is possible that the client who took part in the demo has some of his colleagues who will be interested in the DAM solution. In this case, he can just share the record with them.

This could be not only a demo, but a case study from a similar client, a completed proposal, or the presentation slides from your meeting. The salesperson can look back on the content and gain valuable insights to persuade the potential lead to make the final decision.

DAM can integrate with your CRM to improve sales performance

If you have already introduced CRM into your sales workflow, you have already felt all the benefits of the solution. But, what if you meet with the new challenges — how to manage your leads, how to find the assets associated with each customer in seconds, how to keep the contacts and leads information always updated?

This is exactly what DAM integration with CRM can do for you. This integration will allow the sales team to have all assets centralized for each customer, easily access them anytime within the CRM, and search across assets related to each specific lead. The aim of this integration is to relieve sales employees from the routine search of the required assets in creating high-performance sales organizations.

We at constantly search for new integration opportunities, helping our clients to streamline their workflow. Of course, we could not miss CRM integration in our plans and our first integration is with one of the leading CRM platforms — Zoho CRM.

How Will’s and Zoho CRM Integration Improve Your Sales?

The team knows how useful it is to have an integrated technology platform for the salespeople. If you’re already using the Zoho CRM platform in your workflow, you’ll enjoy the integration with it. integration with Zoho CRM allows you to easily access digital assets from your library and attach them to specific leads in the CRM. As a result, you can have all assets centralized for each customer, easily access them anytime within the CRM, and search across assets belonging to each specific lead.

You can:

  • Attach digital assets to the specific contacts and leads within Zoho CRM
  • Keep the contact and lead information always updated
  • Synchronize contacts and leads information between and Zoho CRM
  • Avoid switching between applications for getting user information

Now every time you require to find the asset associated with your Zoho leads you can do this in seconds. Your Zoho CRM contacts will regularly sync with, and you can attach any files you need.

Try to integrate & Zoho CRM platform. You can book a demo with our experts and we will give you a demonstration of the features & functionality that you think may fit your team’s needs, as well as answer any questions you may have about using with CRM.

If you use other CRM products in your everyday workflow and would like to achieve the synergy of the digital asset management solution and CRM, we’ll be ready to implement such integration for you. Have a critical look at your sales team organization and save valuable time and energy for your employees with & CRM integration.

