meets Slack

Slack is a huge buzz right now, it seems it’s a good idea to catch this hype.
That’s why we created @picsio bot that connects and Slack messenger.

If you are individual user or team owner you can easily integrate the to your Slack. To do this go to Settings menu, then My Account dialog, then Notifications tab and click Add to Slack button. It will navigate you through Slack login page, then new user @picsio will appears in your Slack team. After that you need to invite bot to any channel you want by sending /invite @picsio message to that channel. It might be one of existing channels or new channel created especially for notifications. All notifications from your team will be send to there. You can reinvite bot to other channel any moment.

Bot looks like normal user, you can ask it something. I recommend start with simple ‘Hello‘ question. You can send direct messages or ask something in a channel — just prefix your question with bot name like ‘@picsio find New photos collection‘.

In most cases bot’s brain is smart enough to understand human language, so you can even speak with. Thanks to guys from WIT.AI team. Great thing about @picsio bot is that its brain is evolving every minute depending on your questions. If you feel that bot should do more for you, just write us and we will train bot for you.

Keep in touch!



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