Release Notes — 10 August 2018

More opportunities for Sketch files, larger sorting options, and better search filters.

Our recent release has brought lots of new improvements and updates in And now we are happy to share them with you.

  • One of the big changes in is the fact that we now fully support multi-page Sketch and Adobe Illustrator (AI) files.

Sketch and AI are some of the most popular vector graphic formats used by designers all over the world. Unfortunately, you normally can’t even view these files an a regular computer if you don’t have a special software installed.

With, however, it’s not a problem. You can upload, view, tag, and discuss your Sketch and AI files with your teammates with the help of visual markers and highlighted areas.

And now, all this functionality has become fully available also for multi-page Sketch and AI assets. You can easily navigate through your huge design files and select pages you want to see more closely.

Even more so, you can now choose two different versions of your multi-page Sketch and AI file, place them together and compare them page by page to see how they differ from each other.

Versioning for two multi-page Sketch files

To cut a long story short, if you deal with UX/UI design in Sketch or Adobe Illustrator, you should definitely try this new functionality. You’ll surely fall for it.

  • Another major improvement in is the extended variety of sorting modes.

One of the most valuable functionalities of any Digital Assets Managements service is the opportunity to organize and arrange your digital files the way it suits you best. The more opportunities, the better.-

Having this in mind, we’ve largely extended the range of how you can sort your files inside a collection. Many other useful options were added to the previous sorting choices.

For instance, you can now you can sort your files not only by upload time, but also by the time the files were created or updated in You can also arrange them by file type, creator’s name, star rating, and by many other criteria.

So, this way you can arrange your files within your collection in a variety of ways depending on your needs and purposes, and showcase them accordingly.

  • Another recent update in is connected with assigned users. Before, you could only assign files to particular teammates, and that was pretty much it. You couldn’t do anything else with that. From now on, you can also filter your search by assigned users.

It means that you can now enter your teammate’s email address in the search window like this: : And with a click of a button you’ll get all the assets that were assigned to this user.

With this functionality at hand it’s pretty easy for you to check how many tasks are assigned to particular members of your team, which of your team payers have more workload than the others, and how they are moving forward with their tasks.

  • And there’s one more modification we wanted to share with you today. This one deals with metadata.

Some time ago, we published an extensive article about how we handle metadata in The article was inspired by Carl Seibert — a metadata guru who encouraged us to get to the bottom of this tricky issue and get it done as correctly as it can possibly be.

Our effort was rewarded with his positive feedback, but also some comments and further recommendations. So, we’ve updated our metadata rules once again, and you’re welcome to get familiar with them in our help centre.

These were the major improvements in so far. Besides that, we’ve been also busy correcting various mistakes and bugs in different parts of the system, including sync and downloading PSD files.

All this is done in order to make even more robust and reliable for you to use. Welcome to try it out and give us your precious feedback.

