Community Reporter at EuroSTAR 2016

Simina Rendler
Simina’s blog
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2017

Somewhere in the fall of 2016 there was a contest for a community reporter to help share the EuroSTAR Conference experience.

This is a tradition at Test Huddle; each of the last years they’ve been searching for members of testing community to be the eyes and ears at the EuroSTAR.

Last year I responded to their call for this role with an application highlighting why would I be suited as Huddle Blog reporter. I included some reasons for which attending and writing about the conference would help me improve as a tester. I also referenced some experience reports I had previously written, as examples of what I could deliver. Eventually, I mentioned the involvement in developing the Romanian testing community and how I intended to apply the things learned at the conference in organizing and facilitating the TdT events.

After sending the submission, I totally forgot about the contest. So it was a huge surprise reading the email informing that I was selected to be the community reporter. Needless to say, I was very excited about the role.

Prior, during and after the conference I wrote blogposts on the Huddle blog, mostly previews (focusing on aspects like what I was looking forward to the learn, who I was keen to hear speaking or meet) and reviews (mostly about what presentations or social events I had attended, my thoughts on them). Here is the list to all of them:

You will find in there what an amazing experience EuroSTAR Conference was for me in 2016.

Moreover, you now have the opportunity to enter the volunteer programme or the TeamSTAR competition and experience yourself the vibe of a great testing community. I’m looking forward to reading this year’s reviews!

