New Feature: Decentralized Identity StarryNift Citizenship Is Coming!

StarryNift Publication
3 min readMay 19, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of StarryNift Citizenship, a DID social system! Join us as we explore the reasons behind this exciting new feature!

There are eight fundamentals of Metaverse: Identity, Social, Immersive, Low Fiction, Variety, Anywhere, Economy, and Civility.

We launched Starryverse on May 22, 2022, as an immersive and multi-layered Metaverse space. Over the past year, we have iterated through multiple scenarios, enriched diverse functions, optimized the 3D engine, and enabled players to easily interact on their mobile phones.

Starryverse currently features Immersive, Low Fiction, Variety, and Anywhere capabilities, but this is just the beginning. We’ve been contemplating how to foster a sense of belonging among Web3 natives in the Metaverse, which has been a long-standing question for us. Therefore, we decided to develop a fundamental protocol — Metaverse Identity Citizenship.

People started to know DID from short domains, but DID is far more than that. Therefore, our Citizenship will include the following main features:

Multi-chain & Multi-address

Every Web3 user has equipped with multiple wallet addresses to join different ecosystem projects. A single address can’t fully portray a user’s on-chain profile. Our protocol, Metaverse Identity Citizenship, allows users to connect multiple wallet addresses through a Citizenship slot, aggregating their data and enriching their Web3 image.

Achievement System

The on-chain data reflects user behavior and preferences. We have created a six-dimensional Web3 achievement standard (General, Defi, Gamefi, DAO, Socialfi, NFT) to depict user images, enabling users to enjoy a more vivid social experience.

Editable On-chain Profile

Through Citizenship, users can edit the achievements they choose to display to the outside world. Meanwhile, they can keep certain content undisclosed, which belongs to the category of editable privacy. For example, users may not want to disclose that they have added a large number of pool in Uniswap; but they are willing to show their rich achievements in the DAO field, emphasizing that they are community opinion leaders.

On-chain Identity

Users can selectively display certain on-chain achievements and establish identity relationships, such as marriage, friendship, and community, which are represented by SBTs that are minted and destroyed when the relationship ends. This way, users can achieve social data on the chain without relying on any Web2 tools.

3D AIGC Editor Toolkit

To enhance users’ experience in Starryverse, we will provide open AI editor tools to allow players to customize their 3D space with multiple styles for a more Variety & Immersive experience.

In 3D space, players can enjoy ChatGPT AI assistant, upload NFT/image, customize light & deco & skybox, share livestream & screen, interconnected with other spaces…

With these tools, you can create, edit, and showcase your ideal metaverse as you desire. Let’s explore the magic of AI!

Development Roadmap

Citizenship 1.0 — Voucher layer data aggregation

Enriching on-chain achievement data

User-defined achievement content

Citizenship 2.0 — Protocol layer function enrichment

Supports multi-chain & multi-account slots

Integrate other protocol data

Citizenship 3.0 — Application layer scene expansion

Multi-platform SDK

On-chain identity system

We will capture users’ on-chain data and transform it into an accessible, editable, and profitable identity system through Citizenship. By connecting on-chain and off-chain data, as well as the user’s Metaverse interaction performance, we can create a comprehensive user portrait. Finally, it will expand to the entire Web3 world.

We believe that through decentralized identity for Web3 users can Desoc hold value, establish economic order, imbue VR immersive experiences with a “soul,” and ultimately achieve a “Web3 Native” civilization.

This is a new beginning that will soon be fully realized. Claim your StarryVerse Citizenship now and stay tuned for our next big move.

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StarryNift Publication

StarryNift is a gamified metaverse co-creation platform, bringing to you immersive virtual experiences where you can Play, Create and Socialize.