Smart Teachnology and Lazy Brain

We still call them smartphone, smart-television, smart-car, smart-house… but they are seldom used for talking. They have become like a substitute for memory and other brain functions. Is that good for us in the long run?

Winke Blogs
3 min readDec 22, 2017


Storing information requires mental effort. That’s why we study during life. But now, search engines are continually available to us, we may often be in a state of not feeling we need to encode the information internally and remember that. We can search anything, any information on the internet. This causes our brains to become lazy and dependent on the internet and technology.

The smarter the technology, the lazier the brain.

Don’t let your brain become lazy. Technology is only used to help our lives become better. So use them in a smarter way.

1. Use technology to streamline workflow

Much online communication is done publicly, allowing anyone with Internet access to acquire an audience. Social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus let users follow anyone they find interesting, and some people have an audience of millions of people. The ease of sharing also lets news and information with incredible speed as users share links with each other, meaning that breaking news can reach hundreds of millions of people literally as it is happening. But this causes the brain to lose focus

Research indicates that people spend an average of 3 to 5 minutes at their computer working on the task at hand before switching to Facebook or other enticing websites. So, our time is being wasted. You should select a chat application at work like Winke instead of drowning in Facebook chatter. Winke can be increased the reliability of sending messages to others, made it easier to meet new people and keep in touch with friends and also saved lives.

Let your brain a habit of prioritizing work. Use technology to list your to-do list and reminders as needed. After analyzing results, rank each process in the order of importance, or rate on a scale of one to 10. This helps you focus on areas that have the highest potential for improving workflow.

2. Use technology as a group memory

During almost every boardroom brainstorm, there should be one individual taking notes. How else would the group learn what ideas were pitched and what feedback was given? But in this scenario, only the note-taker can refer to the history of the discussion during the meeting — unless contributors have incredibly keen memories. After hours of deliberating or several days of meetings, keeping track of every project detail is difficult, making it hard to generate new ideas while still taking old ones into account.

This is one reason people alike have begun using online tools like Winke to conduct meetings. Users who are not present at the meeting can also follow up by searching the keyword. Winke will let you know about the relevant discussions, who is involved in the discussion, the emails and the files. Winke will on behalf of the group, help you find the answer you need. Everything are immediately documented for all to refer to, and focus can be shifted to generating new information.

Technology is becoming smarter. But do not forget that we create technology. So you should know how to use technology to develop yourself.



Winke Blogs

At Winke, we are working to create a complete platform that improves the way people communicate, collaborate, and share information