An Unforgiving Heart is a Tired Heart

Learning To Expect No Apologies

Sarah Nderi
Blog. Write.Heal


Photo by Ali Yahya on Unsplash

In a perfect world, human beings would interact with no friction whatsoever. No grudges, or wars or fights. But we’re in imperfect beings in an imperfect world, each of us at will to do what we desire.

I was raised by two teachers, so discipline at home was similar to school. My parents switched from our local dialect to English or Swahili when reprimanding us, and my mom instructed us to sit down, maybe because she is the shortest in the family.

The punishment started with a confession from the accused, defendants and the guilty sibling (s) before hail and brimstone rained on you. Sometimes it would rain before a confession, but there was always a confession.

If you grew up like me, you may notice you tend to solve problems quickly when there is a kind of dialogue about the issue. God forbid issues to get swept under the rag, only to build-up this huge stumbling block in the room which no one wants to address.

You Won’t Always Get An Apology

I’m learning this slowly. As a retired people pleaser and a used to be chief- good-doer, it hurts when there’s no harmony between people or in a room. The air in the room gets tense like the morning after your parents fought, and after that…

