The Simple Method to Help you Find Your Inner Voice

When You’ve Been Silent For Too Long

Sarah Nderi
Blog. Write.Heal


I don’t know when I started staying silent and observing people. Whether it was from fear, reading the room or a subconscious choice is unknown to me. I was unable to stand up or speak up and found it less draining to stay silent. Which led to the resolute decision to observe people.

How far are they going to take this?

Are they serious?

Is it a me issue?

This would throw me into a period of self-introspection and trying to figure out how I could have contributed to the conflict. These periods of introspection did not bring up the fact that my choice to stay silent was my greatest undoing.

Reasons why we Stay Silent or seem Shut Down:

  • We simply do not connect with a person. Someone once told me I have a sunny disposition and I agree. This is because we share a two-way connection. On the other hand, I know some who’d label me as an ice-cold queen, a quiet person, or a person who keeps to herself.
  • We do not agree with the discussions, structure or way of doing things and we want to keep the peace.
  • We have past trauma and certain interactions or people are a trigger…

