What makes the Tiny Habits System by a Stanford PhD so revolutionary?

Abhishek Singh Bailoo
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2017

I don’t quite remember how I stumbled upon the Tiny Habits System by Dr B J Foggs of Stanford. Perhaps it was during the mindless clicking around on Facebook that I do after having read fitness and tech articles (and resolving for the 129th time that I am going to eat clean, exercise and start working on data analytics).

We are not even settled in 2017 and more than 92% people in the world have already dropped their new year resolutions (most not for the first time). Is it not all about making resolutions and motivation and self-helping ourselves to our lofty goals? Unless you have been living in a cave, you have doubtlessly heard that greatness is achieved by forming and sticking to habits. It is not genius but habits. Habits is what made Benjamin Franklin, Mahatma Gandhi, and others so awesome at what they did. Stephen Covey wrote on the 7 habits of highly effective people.

If you think carefully most of these exhortations like “get up early”, “stay focused”, “never take your eyes off your competition” are useless because they are stuff you already know and yet don’t know how exactly to go about mastering. There is no algorithm, no flowchart, no methodology. Just large behaviors and empty promises. No wonder you are struggling to take a daily bath, not being able to brush your teeth or finish drinking 4 liter of water daily! So much for forming habits to achieve greatness!

It was at this juncture of my life that I joined the Tiny Habits system. Dr Fogg says that there are only 3 ways to form a new habit

  1. Have an epiphany
  2. Change your environment
  3. Take baby steps

Originally published at blogacious.com on February 3, 2017.

