The Content Strategy That Helps Me Earn $500/Day From Writing Online

Deni Sahaya
Published in
6 min readMay 27, 2024


How to earn from writing online
Photo by Courtney Cook on Unsplash

I’ve been writing online for four years.

My first blog turned out to be a complete money pit, and despite dedicating 100% of my time to publishing posts daily, I walked away from it feeling foolish and defeated.

I wasn’t ever going to write online again, but there was this little voice inside me that kept whispering, ‘Give it another go’.

I was reluctant to splash out on expensive website hosting and elaborate themes. Partly because back then, I was so broke that paying $240 a year for a hosting package was a stretch too far for me.

So, I went down a different route.

Trying to double my income from writing with a $0 investment was a ridiculous idea, especially since the gurus say that you need to invest to make money. But it wasn’t until I gave it a go and published my first ten articles on a free site that a parade of fireworks went off inside my head.

Not only do I finally understand why my first blog – the one I nurtured like a newborn baby, tended to every day, and did everything in my power to help it grow – suffered a completely avoidable and unnecessary premature death, BUT why moving forward, did my second blog took on an unexpected growth and my fortune expanded rapidly.



Deni Sahaya

Purpose-driven life. Blogger. Mom. Unicorn. Dog Whisperer.