forbitspace — The Decentralized Exchange Super Aggregator is now live on Binance Smart Chain

Published in
4 min readDec 9, 2021

Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a blockchain that runs parallel to the Binance Chain and touts smart contract-functionality and EVM compatibility. As such, it allows developers to port over projects from Ethereum to BSC relatively easily. This, along with Binance Smart Chain’s scalable nature is clearly resonating with developers on the mission to bring the next 1 billion users to crypto and accelerate the adoption of digital assets and blockchain technology.

We have witnessed the rapid growth of the BSC ecosystem and the overall increase in developer interest first-hand. Interest in BSC is at an all-time high accelerating blockchain growth with a $1 billion growth fund, BSC ecosystem on a mission to bring the next 1 billion users to crypto and accelerate the adoption of digital assets and blockchain technology, and the past few time’s surges in BSC interest shows no sign of stopping.

forbitspace live on Binance smart chain.

We are excited forbitspace — Dex aggregator protocol officially launches on Binance Smart Chain. Users can now trade tokens on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This means you can find and trade 100s of new tokens by going to and entering your favorite BSC token in the search bar.

We use Algorithm spaceflight smart orders routing through allows, crypto traders, to tap deep liquidity and receive better pricing low cost & efficient the most liquidity on Binance Smart Chain to receive the best prices across native exchanges, such as Sushi, JetSwap, WaultFinance, Ellipsis, Nerve, Beltfi, PantherSwap, BiSwap, Wbnb, BakerySwap, PancakeSwapV2, CoinSwap, Smoothy, DODOV2, and more.

forbitspace live on Binance smart chain.

How to Use forbitspace The DEX Super Aggregator.

1. Connect Your Wallet

To make trades on forbitspace, you’ll need to start by connecting your wallet.

forbitspace live on Binance smart chain.

Select “Connect Wallet” in the top right-hand corner. forbitspace supports MetaMask, WalletConnect, Coinbase Wallet, and Bitski Wallet.

forbitspace on Binance smart chain

2. Choose Your Token Swaps

Select the tokens you want to swap. For this guide, we’ll swap BNB for USDC or USDC to BNB.

forbitspace live on Binance smart chain

You can find the pool you need to make the trade by searching for either token in the search bar or selecting “Select token” and clicking on your token of choice.

forbitspace live on Binance smart chain

3. Select Tokens and Enter Space Trade

Select the tokens under “You Pay” and “You Receive”, ensuring that the pay and receive tokens are selected in the right order. forbitspace dashboard presents a chart showing the ratio between the two assets. Once selected, enter the amount.

forbitspace live on Binance smart chain

4. Review Order

When the amount “You Pay” is entered, a quote for the amount “You Receive” will appear — select “Review Order” to proceed.

forbitspace live on Binance smart chain

5. Confirm the Trade

Finally, the trade must be confirmed in your wallet.

The growing DeFi landscape, DEX liquidity has become more fragmented than ever, making it more complex for DeFi users to find the best price for a given trade. While decentralized finance can feel daunting for many people, more so when trying to ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible, forbitspace The DEX Super Aggregator makes the process easy. Thanks to its integration of the leading decentralized exchanges on one simple interface, finding the best trading price on Ethereum is now possible with only a few clicks.

forbitspace is an interoperability aggregator protocol that unites decentralized applications across disparate blockchains. allows crypto traders to tap deep liquidity and receive better pricing one single interface.

forbitspace uses an algorithm spaceflight smart order routing that split a single transaction into multiple orders across various DEX’s, also route orders through allows crypto traders to tap deep liquidity and receive better pricing low cost & efficient the most liquidity.


