Create A Landing Page Using Tableau

Anjana M P
Bloggers Bay
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2021
A Landing Page Dashboard to navigate between dashboards easily

Have you ever had the trouble of switching tabs in front of clients in order to show them your different dashboards? Well, you no more have to switch tabs between dashboards. This blog is a step by step guide to create a landing page in Tableau — All dashboards in one single dashboard! Just like the figure above.


  1. Have Tableau desktop installed in your machine.
  2. Have a Tableau public account.

Steps to create your landing page

You can use any dataset to create your dashboard. I have used the covid-19 state wise analysis data from Kaggle. Click on the link to download the same.

  1. Create the dashboards for which you want the landing page.
  2. I am going to create three simple dashboards for this purpose. Dashboards to analyze the state wise distribution of total cases, active cases and discharged.
State wise distribution of active cases in India
State wise distribution of total cases in India

3. Similarly, create a dashboard with four different visualizations to illustrate the state wise distribution of people who got discharged.

4. Now, export individual dashboards as images in a separate folder. In order to do so click on Dashboard option from the menu bar and choose export image. Save all the dashboard images in a separate folder.

5. After this step shift this folder to the following location.

Documents -> My Tableau repository -> shapes -> “your folder”

6. Once your done with this step your folder should look like this.

You might notice a “home” icon within the folder. That image will be used for navigating between the individual dashboards and landing page.

Before creating our landing page dashboard there are a few more steps to accomplish.

Create four individual sheets, one for each image. The following steps are to be followed for all the four created sheets.

  1. Create a dummy calculation field.
Dummy calculated field.

2. We are going to use this as a place holder. Now drag the field from measures to Marks card. Click the drop down and choose Shapes from the drop-down menu. Click on shapes and choose the “images folder” inside which you have the images of dashboards. Choose one image and click ok. Now adjust the size of image and rename the sheet. For example if you have chosen the total-cases dashboard name the sheet as “total_sheet” for reference.

3. Once, your done with the above step you will have four different sheets consisting of an image.

4. Now create a new dashboard. This will be our Landing Page Dashboard.

5. Drag sheets one by one in floating mode. Adjust the size and alignment. You should have a dashboard looking like this once done.

6. Click on dashboard menu and choose Actions. Click on Add action and choose Go to sheet from the drop down. Name your go to sheet and choose the source and destination sheets from the dialog box that appears.

Go to sheet dialog box

7. Create the remaining actions for the other dashboards.

8. Now that you have created the Go to sheet actions, every time you click on an item in your landing page dashboard, it will take you to the respective dashboard.

9. Now, the problem is that you will not be able to come back to your landing page from the individual dashboards.

10. In order to solve this problem, insert the “home” sheet in all the three dashboards in floating mode and adjust the size of it such that it looks like a small icon. Once again, click on dashboard menu. Choose actions and select go to sheet from the add action drop down menu.

11. Name your sheet. Choose the source sheet as “home” and destination sheet as “landing page”. Now from the individual dashboards you will be able to navigate back to the Landing Page Dashboard.

12. The final step is to publish your dashboard to Tableau Public. In order to do so, click on the server menu and choose save to Tableau public.

Now you can view your Landing Page Dashboard. The following is the link to my Landing Page Dashboard.

covid_statewise_report | Tableau Public

I would strongly encourage all my readers to try this out and discover new hacks in Tableau. Tableau is a magical tool worth to explore and get new insights from your data.

Kudus to all Data Science enthusiasts out there!!!



Anjana M P
Bloggers Bay

I am an enthusiastic software developer and am passionate about Machine Learning.