5 reasons why you should blog when you are in college

Yash Dodeja
Bloggers Cloud
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2017

Some of you are working, some have just recently completed their college and others are yet to complete their graduation. Don’t worry you can read no matter how old or young you are.It’s not primarily focused on college students.

Everyone wants to earn a little money for their extra expenses when they were/are in college. I am pretty sure you have searched plenty of times on how to earn money online? Haven’t you? Of course, you have. Even I did it.

Blogging is one of the best ways to earn money online. It’s not just about money but there are many different things that come your way when you try making your presence on the web. Starting your blogging journey in college days is the best time you can explore yourself.

5 reasons why you should blog when you are in college.

Let’s discuss how blogging can be beneficial if started in college.

Earn Money Online

When you find resources for earning money online you must have seen blogging as an option to start with. Many people don’t start blogging just because they don’t have or want to spend the initial cost that is needed to start a blog.

The cost that is required to start a blog:

  1. Buy Domain name. — around 500–600 Rs/yr.
  2. Buy Hosting. — around 500–3000 Rs/yr.

Let me tell you this initial investment is worth it guys. You won’t regret once you start your blog on your own. Even I did this mistake. I tried earning online but was not ready to invest any money for it. Don’t make such mistakes, go ahead and take some risks. It is worth having something rather than crying for nothing.

Blogging is so much fun. You can showcase your skills to your friends and family members, express your feelings in terms of writing (that’s what I am doing). You can easily earn money and there are so many other things connected to it.

How can you earn money online?

Well, this must be a reason for you visiting here on this website searching how can one earn money with blogging?

You can earn via:

Affiliate Marketing

Google Adsense

Writing your books and selling it on the web.

Promoting products

There are 100 other possible ways to earn money online through a blog. It’s completely different from what we have studied in schools right? Yes, it is. That is the reason why blogging is worth trying at least once in your lifetime.

Having Internet Presence

Having the Internet presence in today’s digital world has been mandatory. Whether you are a student, an employee or a businessman if you fail to develop strong connections on the internet you won’t survive for long.

Blogging can be the right choice for you to take your internet popularity to next level. There are many online bloggers who earn their living through blogging. Blogs like Harsh Agarwal, Deepak Kanakaraju, Neilpatel all these guys come among the top bloggers of the world. They all started their blogging journey after graduation. If you are reading this and are in college imagine how far you can go if you start your blog now.

Having internet presence helps you in building contacts, you get offers from many big companies to work with them. I still remember how I got my first content writing offer over the web.

I wrote an article about 8 things to avoid doing on your Android phone. This article was loved by so many people that they started contacting me to write for them. You can read the comment here which was an offer from NDTV Gadgets. You can see how blogging opens so many doors of opportunities for us we just have to grab them.

Know about your career

If you are in college and have your own blog a big thumbs up from my side. Blogging can be chosen as a career option if taken seriously. You can pay your bills and can also make a living out of it.

Remember there are always two types of blogger:

  1. One who take blogging as a hobby or just for fun.
  2. The one who treats blogging as his career.

Nobody else but only you can decide which option fits the best for you.

I am new to blogging and I might not be the right person to say this but yes blogging has infinite opportunities. Grab as much as you can. College days are the days where everybody is wasting their time in activities like games and social media. Very few choose this tough path and I appreciate if you are already in this field.

Express Yourself

We think a lot but are unable to express it properly. With blogging, you can express yourself the way you like it. Everyone has different strengths. A blogger’s strength is he can express his feelings through) the power of words.

Imagine how great it would be if you write a piece of information which is appreciated by hundreds of people. The information which is written by you in your own style with your own unique thoughts is making a place in people’s heart. The best part in one’s life is to do what they love and getting appreciated for that work.

Isn’t that amazing? For me, it’s amazing.

Learning with Blogging

Blogging is not just about earning money. You carry a hell lot of responsibilities when you own a blog. While holding these responsibilities you learn a lot.

Things which I learned so far:

  • People are waiting for your next blog post.
  • We as bloggers are supposed to solve our reader’s problem.
  • Regular posting of quality content is required.
  • Readers never lie. If they say the post is not up to the mark then it’s not proper. Period.
  • Readers are your biggest asset. Always respect them.

These are few of my learnings. Hope they help you in your blogging!

Wrap Up

Blogging is not just about writing articles on what you love. Blogging is a feeling. It’s how you connect with your audience and share your views on problems which they all face. Your articles help your readers decide what is right for them. Always remember even if you are not earning money from your blog, you are earning the attention of your readers which is more than money. Always respect it.

I hope you liked the article. Let me know in the comment section what feeling you have for blogging? For me blogging is love.

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Yash Dodeja
Bloggers Cloud

Yash Dodeja is a Pro Blogger and a Digital Marketer. He loves to know new people. You can find more about him on https://www.bloggerscloud.com or connect on FB