How much Google Adsense pays per 1,000 page views in India?

Money 24Hr
Bloggers India
2 min readOct 19, 2018


Google AdSense is one of the worst methods to earn money from your blog in India — especially mentioning the fact how tough it is to get your Adsense account approved (and moreover, not getting banned over time).

As a thumb rule of monetization in blogging:

If you want to earn side income, then google adSense works for you. However, it you want to make a livelihood and earn millions, then you must create and sell your own info/digital products on your website/blog.

I won’t give a long boring answer of how CPC (Cost per click) or RPM (Revenues per 1000 impressions) works and how to calculate them. (You can read about them here.)

The short answer is- PER 1,000 views in India you can make somewhere between $0.5 — $2 USD, depending on your niche. (Some niches are more profitable than others.)

Also read: Truth Revealed! This is how much Google Adsense pays Per 1,000 page views in India.

I have two youtube channels and a blog. And this is in general how much I earn from Adsense per 1,000 views. Even if you are getting 10,000 page views on your blog per month, you will hardly make somewhere between $5-$20. Pretty terrible, right?.

Quick Note: This answer is with respect to those blogs who are getting most of their traffic from India. On the other hand, if you are getting a bigger audience from tier-1 countries like USA, UK, Australia, Canada, European countries etc, then the Cost per click (CPC) will be high and you’ll earn higher revenue from Adsense. However, for the blogs with a majority of Indian audience, the CPC is quite low.

In other words, unless you are getting millions of views on your blog/website per month, you cannot make a livelihood depending just on Google Adsense.

My suggestion, treat Google Adsense as just an extra pocket money and focus on creating better revenue sources like info products, ebooks, software etc to sell on your blog— if you want to make a serious career in blogging.

Also read: 9 Tested Ways to Monetize Your Blog.

I hope this post is useful to you. #Happy Blogging.

