Bored of Blogging?

Ben Kohlhaas
Blogging and Web Cultures
3 min readMay 10, 2019
Source: Revenge of the Sith (2005), Lucasfilm

Blogging has been, at least in my mind, something like a party. Everyone goes to a party for a reason, whether its knowing the host, wanting a wild night, or even just good time and atmosphere. Blogging allows for that kind of community ,where one can interact with however many they want or any groups. A person can find there niche group and stick to that, or could turn instead to blog over the ‘party’ as a whole.

Your Everyday Blog Party™

Looking back at my experience so far on Medium, I’ve really enjoyed writing on the platform. With Medium I have a easy to use space to express about what I enjoy, and that lets me talk about what I enjoy more often. Another aspect that made me enjoy Medium was that I could reach people with my topics.

Wild Bloggers Sharing Content

I think that the customization options that one is given to create an article could be expanded on. Picture placement, while decent for most pictures, should have some more variability size and location. I think that it would be tweaks and small variations that could give the customization a true overhaul.

Much of what I have read on Medium has been well-thought out and researched. Curators and other bloggers on the platform take their time to make sure the information is accurate. However, in some posts I have noticed inaccurate information. With people working to choose pay-walled stories for Medium, it is important that these persons have a wide breadth of understanding for the subjects they’re curating.

Nature vs. Man: The Musical Blog

When it comes to how Medium will be used in the future, I can see it being a viable option. In the blogosphere I would consider Medium like Youtube, a platform to create and share personality along with information. Will it continue to grow in the coming years? I think so. Will it reach high popularity? Not for a while. People as a whole have not yet outcried for a platform or social media devoid of commercialization. Every social media platform has eventually devolved to a commercialized state, and until Influencers wane in popularity sites like Medium will have slowed growth.

Boot up the door locks!

To talk on my future with Medium and blogging, I am going to continue writing. This website gives me a space to write about what I enjoy, I don’t often talk of my hobbies, and people that could want to read about such. Its been a fun experience that I have been able to look back on and use to improve myself. This is a place to write freely, and I hold that to a high respect. I hope in my future I will attain a personal website to store my works and writings, but on Medium I don’t think I would stop posting either. So on that note, I hope that my future is in fact quite blogged down.



Ben Kohlhaas
Blogging and Web Cultures

I‘m just a simple man trying to make his way through the universe. Lego SA, CSGO, Film, Deutsch. I‘m pretty blogged down right now, can I get back to ya later?