Medium Writing Tips

How is Medium Article Read Time Calculated?

Medium Read Time vs. Medium Member Reading Time

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide
Published in
4 min readOct 23, 2019


how is read time calculated on Medium, medium read time, medium member reading time, member reading time, medium new earnings
Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

This article will address two major questions:

1. How is Medium Article Read Time Calculated?

2. What is the Difference Between Medium Article Read Time and Medium Member Reading Time?

I was actually in the middle of writing about how article read time was calculated when Medium made their announcement about using “Member Reading Time” to primarily determine earnings.

Although it is a subtle difference, given the massive impact this will have on writers, and the confusion this will likely lead to given the similarity of the terms, it seemed worth an explanation (based on what was previously known on “Article Read Time” and what appears to be the meaning of the new and critically important “Member Reading Time.”

