The Best Medium Article Formatting Guide

A comprehensive guide to formatting Medium stories like a top writer

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide


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Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

If you are a new writer on Medium, or an especially curious one like me, you probably have looked at ways to improve the formatting of your Medium articles.

Medium has published a couple articles on article formatting, but many are useless to new writers. These articles are typically outdated, lack proper visuals to demonstrate how to use various features, and even if there is quality information, it is usually distributed across a seemingly random array of articles.

I’ve addressed many of these formatting questions on my publication Blogging Guide, which is geared toward Medium writers looking for help. However, Medium article formatting can be overwhelming and this information should be broken down further with visuals to truly make it understandable to most writers. This was underscored by a response to a Medium-authored formatting guide, from Medium user, Ron Nicholas:

medium complaint, medium lack of formatting guide, medium no user guide, medium writer issues

This is just one of many (unanswered) comments made in response to Medium’s formatting guides, which are rich with information, but hard for new



Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide

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