Medium Page Separator

How to insert the Medium page separator (the horizontal ellipsis)

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide


medium page separator, medium separator, medium page break, medium ellipsis, medium three dots, medium page divider, icon
Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

Although it is a relatively simple Medium function to implement, it can be confusing for new writers to find the page separator.

The page separator is the 3 dot icon (aka the mid-line horizontal ellipsis), as seen below:

The separator is used to partition your articles into different sections.

How to Create a Medium Separator

Step 1. Open a Medium article draft.

Step 2. Click the double hyphen icon from the Medium editor.

medium page separator, medium separator, medium page break, medium ellipsis, medium three dots, medium page divider, icon

Medium will now insert a page separator. This is demonstrated below:

Notes About Medium Page Separator

  • Page separators can be difficult to delete, and may require deleting surrounding elements such as images, if there are no extra line spaces.
  • Page separators render well on…

