Medium Writing Tips

Medium Writers Featured in Monthly Newsletter Stats (Updated Monthly)

A list of all the stories and writers featured in Medium’s Monthly Partner Program Updates

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide
Published in
8 min readJul 14, 2019


medium writers, medium partner program newsletter, medium monthly partner program newsletter, medium partner program update
Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

What are the Featured Stories in Medium’s Monthly Partner Program Update?

The featured stories in Medium’s monthly Partner Program update are the stories that are directly cited in Medium’s monthly update. These stories are sent to most members and are handpicked by Medium’s editors.

Sample Partner Program Update | Source: Medium

Why is This Data Important?

Although it is very difficult to be featured in the Partner Program Update, these stories tend to get mass exposure. This monthly newsletter is emailed to all writers enrolled in the Partner Program. Medium also sometimes specifically explains why they are featuring a specific story. Given that the curation and editorial review process are fairly opaque on Medium, this data could serve as a critical tool for writers looking to improve their writing or increase their chances of being featured by Medium.

