Medium Earnings

Medium’s New Method of Calculating Earnings

Dissecting the changes to how Medium Partner Program writers are compensated

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide
Published in
4 min readOct 22, 2019


Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

Medium announced today a total revamp of how writers are compensated under the Medium Partner Program.

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Medium Email

While the changes will not be implemented until October 28th, writers did learn quite a bit from the announcement. Changes will be affecting both the underlying calculation of how writers in the Medium Partner Program are compensated, in addition to the reporting methodology of article statistics.

What Stats/Data Points Will Be Used to Calculate Medium Earnings?

According to the Medium Announcement:

  • Earnings will be based on the reading time of Medium members.
  • Reading time from non-members will be counted too, once non-members become members.
  • Earnings will be updated daily, not weekly.
  • Story stats will show new metrics to explain your earnings.

