Medium Writing Tips

Not All “Successful” Medium Articles Go Viral

Leveraging Medium’s high domain authority to promote your content in Google’s search engine

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide
Published in
6 min readJun 8, 2019


medium article tips, medium writing tips, medium article viral, viral medium article, viral medium story, viral medium post
Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

Many writers on Medium tend to aim for viral success within Medium’s platform. They focus on how to get curators to select their articles, how to get published in major publications, and how to optimize their article key words. There is nothing wrong with this strategy, and I have even written about my experience with articles gaining massive Medium views.

But for many writers, it can be discouraging to see your Medium article An Intro to Stochastic Calculus receive just 25 views while the article featured on the Medium’s home page, Five Unexpected Truths I Discovered From Bedazzling My Vajayjay with Swarovski Crystals, received 25,000 views.

Sample Clickbait/Buzzfeed-like Article

However, many of these attention grabbing/click-bait articles only thrive for a relatively short time, and most of the traffic is generated through the Medium platform itself.

Even if the Medium curators/internal search algorithm “fails” your article, it is still possible to…

