The Ultimate Guide to Writing on Medium

Answers to practically any question relating to writing on Medium

Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide


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Source: Casey Botticello of Blogging Guide

As a frequent Medium writer and platform enthusiast, I receive a lot of questions about achieving success on Medium.

I have an entire publication on the topic. A widely read newsletter containing regular tips and tricks. My own Facebook group for Medium writers.

It’s safe to say I spend a lot of time thinking about Medium.

However, while I’ve tried to make my content as useful as possible, I’m a firm believer that organizing information for readers so that it is clear and accessible is just as valuable as publishing it.

What good is insightful content if nobody ever reads it?

That is why I created this guide.

I’m hoping that the multi-step and somewhat interactive layout will help writers find the content they need, in an efficient manner.

Instructions: select the topic, which best addresses your question or area of interest, and click on one of the corresponding section tabs listed below.

The section topics cover 8 key areas relating to Medium:

  1. About Medium — This section is useful for basic questions…



Casey Botticello
Blogging Guide

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